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Atualizando um domínio () SDK
Este exemplo usa o cliente Python de OpenSearchService
import boto3 from botocore.config import Config import time # Build the client using the default credential configuration. # You can use the CLI and run 'aws configure' to set access key, secret # key, and default Region. DOMAIN_NAME = '' # The name of the domain to upgrade TARGET_VERSION = '' # The version you want to upgrade the domain to. For example, OpenSearch_1.1 my_config = Config( # Optionally lets you specify a Region other than your default. region_name='us-east-1' ) client = boto3.client('opensearch', config=my_config) def check_versions(): """Determine whether domain is eligible for upgrade""" response = client.get_compatible_versions( DomainName=DOMAIN_NAME ) compatible_versions = response['CompatibleVersions'] for i in range(len(compatible_versions)): if TARGET_VERSION in compatible_versions[i]["TargetVersions"]: print('Domain is eligible for upgrade to ' + TARGET_VERSION) upgrade_domain() print(response) else: print('Domain not eligible for upgrade to ' + TARGET_VERSION) def upgrade_domain(): """Upgrades the domain""" response = client.upgrade_domain( DomainName=DOMAIN_NAME, TargetVersion=TARGET_VERSION ) print('Upgrading domain to ' + TARGET_VERSION + '...' + response) time.sleep(5) wait_for_upgrade() def wait_for_upgrade(): """Get the status of the upgrade""" response = client.get_upgrade_status( DomainName=DOMAIN_NAME ) if (response['UpgradeStep']) == 'UPGRADE' and (response['StepStatus']) == 'SUCCEEDED': print('Domain successfully upgraded to ' + TARGET_VERSION) elif (response['StepStatus']) == 'FAILED': print('Upgrade failed. Please try again.') elif (response['StepStatus']) == 'SUCCEEDED_WITH_ISSUES': print('Upgrade succeeded with issues') elif (response['StepStatus']) == 'IN_PROGRESS': time.sleep(30) wait_for_upgrade() def main(): check_versions() if __name__ == "__main__": main()