Architecture overview - Content Localization on AWS

Architecture overview

This section provides a reference implementation architecture diagram for the components deployed with this solution.

Content Localization on AWS architecture

Content Localization on AWS architecture

This architecture depends on the Media Insights on AWS development framework, which must be deployed in the AWS account in order to deploy the solution. Media Insights on AWS can be deployed separately or together with this solution as an option. For a full description of the Media Insights on AWS architecture, refer to the implementation guide.

The AWS CloudFormation template deploys the following infrastructure:

  1. An instance of the Media Insights on AWS solution.


    If you already have a deployed instance of Media Insights on AWS that you would like to use, you can deploy this solution with an alternate template.

  2. An Amazon CloudFront distribution to serve the solution’s web application. 

  3. An Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) web source bucket for hosting the static web application.

  4. An Amazon Cognito user pool to provide a user directory.

  5. An Amazon Cognito identity pool to provide federation with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) for authentication and authorization to the web application.

  6. Amazon API Gateway endpoints for the Media Insights on AWS workflow API, the Media Insights on AWS data plane API and the Amazon OpenSearch Service API endpoint.

  7. An AWS Step Functions workflow created by Media Insights on AWS. The content localization workflow consists of AWS Lambda functions that run jobs in Amazon Transcribe, Amazon Translate, AWS Elemental MediaConvert, and Amazon Polly. These Lambda functions also interact with the Media Insights on AWS data plane API to store and retrieve media objects and metadata returned by media analysis jobs. The workflow can also optionally run Amazon Rekognition and Amazon Comprehend to provide additional analysis of the input.

  8. A Lambda function to extract, transform, and load media metadata from the MI data pipeline into an Amazon OpenSearch Service cluster. This lambda function is invoked by the Media Insights on AWS data plane DynamoDB stream whenever asset metadata is modified in the Media Insights on AWS data plane.

  9. An Amazon OpenSearch Service cluster to index media metadata.