AS2 features and capabilities - AWS Transfer Family

AS2 features and capabilities

The following tables list the features and capabilities available for Transfer Family resources that use AS2.

AS2 features

Transfer Family offers the following features for AS2.

Feature Supported by AWS Transfer Family
Drummond certification Yes
AWS CloudFormation support Yes
Amazon CloudWatch metrics Yes
SHA-2 cryptographic algorithms Yes
Support for Amazon S3 Yes
Support for Amazon EFS No
Scheduled Messages Yes 1
AWS Transfer Family Managed Workflows No
Certificate Exchange Messaging (CEM) No
Mutual TLS (mTLS) No
Support for self-signed certificates Yes

1. Outbound Scheduled Messages available by scheduling AWS Lambda functions using Amazon EventBridge

AS2 send and receive capabilities

The following table provides a list of AWS Transfer Family AS2 send and receive capabilities.

Capability Inbound: Receiving with server Outbound: Sending with connector
TLS Encrypted Transport (HTTPS)

Yes 1

Non-TLS Transport (HTTP) Yes

Yes 2

Synchronous MDN Yes Yes
Message Compression Yes Yes
Asynchronous MDN Yes No
Static IP Address Yes Yes
Bring Your Own IP Address Yes No
Multiple File Attachments No No
Basic Authentication No Yes
AS2 Restart Not applicable No
AS2 Reliability No No
Custom Subject per Message Not applicable No

1. Inbound TLS Encrypted Transport available with Network Load Balancer (NLB)

2. Outbound non-TLS Transport available only when encryption is enabled