MAOPS 1: How do you plan to structure your company and
processes to support mergers and acquisitions?
Both organizations involved in mergers and acquisitions activity must understand their part in achieving business outcomes. An organizational model that is optimized for cloud adoption should be established for the delivery and operation of cloud-based solutions. Both companies might need to extend or modify their structure in order to adopt the cloud, and the changes must be carefully managed in partnership with combined organization teams. Understanding responsibility, ownership, how decisions are made, and who has authority to make decisions helps focus efforts and maximizes the benefits from your teams.
MAOPS01-BP01 Workloads from both organizations have identified
Strong governance and centralized control over scope of migration workloads facilitates a successful migration. Wide distribution makes migration more difficult (assuming the migration scope spans these distributed groups).
MAOPS01-BP02 Processes and procedures have identified owners
Understand who has ownership of the definition of individual processes and procedures, why those specific process and procedures are used, and why that ownership exists. To better identify improvement opportunities, understand the reasons that specific processes and procedures are used.
MAOPS01-BP03 Operations activities have identified owners responsible
for their performance
Understand who has responsibility to perform specific activities on defined workloads and why that responsibility exists. Understanding who has responsibility to perform activities informs who conducts the activity, validates the result, and provides feedback to the owner of the activity.
MAOPS01-BP04 Create a Cloud Center of Excellence team
Understand the responsibilities of your role and how you contribute to business outcomes, as this knowledge informs the prioritization of your tasks and why your role is important. This understanding helps team members recognize needs and respond appropriately.
MAOPS01-BP05 Mechanisms exist to request process additions, changes,
and exceptions
You are able to make requests to owners of processes, procedures, and resources. Make informed decisions to approve requests where they have been deemed viable and appropriate after an evaluation of benefits and risks.
MAOPS01-BP06 Both companies have identified the cloud skills and
competencies to enable the resources
Identify gaps between required skills and competencies and what is presently available in the organization. For existing staff, provide access to training courses of different types (both classroom-based and online courses). Encourage staff to obtain certification on cloud competencies to validate their knowledge.