Timestamp format strings - Amazon Quantum Ledger Database (Amazon QLDB)

Timestamp format strings


End of support notice: Existing customers will be able to use Amazon QLDB until end of support on 07/31/2025. For more details, see Migrate an Amazon QLDB Ledger to Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL.

This section provides reference information for timestamp format strings.

Timestamp format strings apply to the TO_STRING and TO_TIMESTAMP functions. These strings can contain date part separators (such as '-', '/', or ':') and the following format symbols.

Format Example Description
yy 70 Two-digit year
y 1970 Four-digit year
yyyy 1970 Zero-padded four-digit year
M 1 Month integer
MM 01 Zero-padded month integer
MMM Jan Abbreviated month name
MMMM January Full month name
d 2 Day of the month (1–31)
dd 02 Zero-padded day of the month (01–31)
a AM or PM Meridian indicator (for 12-hour clock)
h 3 Hour (12-hour clock, 1–12)
hh 03 Zero-padded hour (12-hour clock, 01–12)
H 3 Hour (24-hour clock, 0–23)
HH 03 Zero-padded hour (24-hour clock, 00–23)
m 4 Minutes (0–59)
mm 04 Zero-padded minutes (00–59)
s 5 Seconds (0–59)
ss 05 Zero-padded seconds (00–59)
S 0 Fraction of a second (precision: 0.1, range: 0.0–0.9)
SS 06 Fraction of a second (precision: 0.01, range: 0.0–0.99)
SSS 060 Fraction of a second (precision: 0.001, range: 0.0–0.999)
X +07 or Z Offset from UTC in hours, or "Z" if the offset is 0
XX +0700 or Z Offset from UTC in hours and minutes, or "Z" if the offset is 0
XXX +07:00 or Z Offset from UTC in hours and minutes, or "Z" if the offset is 0
x +07 Offset from UTC in hours
xx +0700 Offset from UTC in hours and minutes
xxx +07:00 Offset from UTC in hours and minutes