Adding a dataset to an analysis - Amazon QuickSight

Adding a dataset to an analysis

After you have created an analysis, you can add more datasets to the analysis. Then, you can use them to create more visuals.

From within the analysis, you can open any dataset for editing, for example to add or remove fields, or perform other data preparation. You can also remove or replace data sets.

Data pane showing SPICE Web and Social Media dataset selected from dropdown menu.

The currently selected dataset displays at the top of the Data pane. This is the dataset that is used by the currently selected visual. Each visual can use only one dataset. Choosing a different visual changes the selected dataset to the one used by that visual.

To change the selected dataset manually, choose the dataset list at the top of the Data pane and then choose a different dataset. This deselects the currently selected visual if it doesn't use this dataset. Then, choose a visual that uses the selected dataset. Or choose Add in the Visuals pane to create a new visual using the selected dataset.

If you choose Suggested on the tool bar to see suggested visuals, you'll see visuals based on the currently selected dataset.

Only filters for the currently selected dataset are shown in the Filter pane, and you can only create filters on the currently selected dataset.

Use the following procedure to add a dataset to an analysis or edit a dataset used by an analysis.

To add a dataset to an analysis
  1. On the analysis page, navigate to the Data pane and expand the Dataset dropdown.

    Data pane showing SPICE Web and Social Media dataset selected from dropdown menu.
  2. Choose Add a new dataset to add a dataset. Or, choose Manage datasets to edit a dataset. For more information about editing a dataset, see Editing datasets.

  3. A list of your datasets appears. Choose a dataset and then choose Select. To cancel, choose Cancel.