Conditional rules - Amazon QuickSight

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For more information on QuickSight's new look, see Introducing new analysis experience on Amazon QuickSight.

Conditional rules

This feature is currently available with the Free-form layout. Conditional rules are used to hide or show visuals when specific conditions are met. This can be useful when you have multiple versions of the same visual overlapped with each other and want the dashboard viewer to see a version that best represents the parameter value they select.

Conditional rules use parameters and parameter controls to hide and show visuals. Parameters are named variables that can transfer a value for use by an action or an object. This feature supports string and number parameters. To make the parameters accessible to the dashboard viewer, you add a parameter control. A parameter control allows users to choose a value to use in a predefined filter or URL action. For more information about parameters and parameter controls, see Parameters in Amazon QuickSight.

Hiding a visual by default

In the Rules section of the Format visual menu, you can choose to hide a visual by default. Doing this can be useful if you want the viewer to only see visuals based on specific conditions.

To hide a visual by default
  1. From the QuickStart start page, choose Analyses, and then choose the analysis that you want to customize.

  2. Choose the visual that you want to add a rule to.

  3. On the menu in the upper-right hand side of the visual, choose Format visual.

  4. In the Format visual menu, choose Rules.

  5. In the Rules pane, choose Hide this visual by default.

Hidden visuals appear fully hidden in a viewing dashboard. In the Analyses pane, hidden visuals are visible with the message “Hidden based on rule”. With this display, you can see where all of a dashboard's visuals are located.


You can't create conditional rules that hide visuals that are already hidden by default or that show visuals that already appear by default. If you change the default appearance of a visual, existing rules that contradict the new default appearance will be disabled.

Setting a conditional rule

When you set up a conditional rule, you create a conditional statement that will hide or show a visual when a specific condition is met. You can currently create conditional rules that hide or show a visual. If you want to create a conditional rule that makes a hidden visual appear, choose Hide this visual by default in the Rules pane of the Format visual menu.


Before you begin, make a parameter and a corresponding parameter control to base your new conditional rule on. Supported parameters are string parameters and number parameters. For more information about parameters and parameter controls, see Parameters in Amazon QuickSight.

To set a conditional rule
  1. From the Amazon QuickSight start page, choose Analyses, and then choose the analysis you want to customize.

  2. Choose the visual that you want to add a rule to.

  3. On the menu in the upper-right hand side of the visual, choose Format visual.

  4. In the Format visual pane that appears on the left, choose Rules.

  5. Choose the Add box

  6. In the first menu in the Add rule pane, choose the parameter you want.

  7. In the second menu in the Add rule pane, choose which condition you want. For string parameters, supported conditions are Equals, Starts with, Contains, and Does not equal. For number parameters, supported conditions are Equals, Starts with, Contains, and Does not equal.

  8. Enter the value you want the conditional rule to meet.


    Values are case-sensitive.

  9. Choose Add rule to apply the new conditional rule to the visual. To cancel the rule, choose Cancel.

Conditional rules can also be edited and deleted.

To edit a conditional rule
  1. On the menu in the upper-right hand side of the visual, choose Format visual.

  2. In the Format visual pane that appears on the left, choose Rules.

  3. Choose the menu icon on the right-hand side of the rule you want to edit, and choose Edit.

  4. Make the changes that you want and choose Save.

To delete a conditional rule
  1. On the menu in the upper-right hand side of the visual, choose Format visual.

  2. In the Format visual pane that appears on the left, choose Rules.

  3. Choose the menu icon on the right-hand side of the rule you want to edit and choose Delete.

Using conditional rules

Once you have set up a conditional rule that is connected to a parameter and a parameter control, you can use the parameter control to enable or disable the conditional rules you have set.

To enable a conditional rule
  1. From the QuickStart start page, choose Analyses, and then choose the analysis you want to customize.

  2. On the Controls bar at the top of your workspace, choose the dropdown icon.

  3. Choose the parameter control associated with the conditional rule you created.

  4. Choose the value associated with the conditional rule that you created from the parameter's menu. You can also enter the value that you want into the Search value box.


    Values are case-sensitive.

    Selecting the correct value causes the visual to appear or disappear depending on the rule you set.

You can also bring a parameter control to the sheet your visual is on. This is useful when you want a parameter control to be next to the visual it is associated with or when you want to add a conditional rule to the control so it appears only when specific conditions are met.

To bring a parameter control to a sheet
  1. From the QuickStart start page, choose Analyses, and then choose the analysis you want to customize.

  2. On the Controls bar at the top of your workspace, choose the control that you want to move.

  3. At the upper right-hand side of the control, open the Menu options menu.

  4. Choose Move to sheet.

To move a parameter control back to the Controls bar
  1. On your dashboard, select the parameter control you want to move.

  2. On the upper right-hand side of the control, open the Menu options menu.

  3. Choose Pin to top.