Embedding QuickSight visuals for registered users - Amazon QuickSight

Embedding QuickSight visuals for registered users

 Applies to: Enterprise Edition 
   Intended audience: Amazon QuickSight developers 

In the following sections, you can find detailed information about how to set up embedded Amazon QuickSight visuals for registered users of Amazon QuickSight.

Step 1: Set up permissions

In the following section, you can find out how to set up permissions for the backend application or web server. This task requires administrative access to IAM.

Each user who accesses a visual assumes a role that gives them Amazon QuickSight access and permissions to the visual. To make this possible, create an IAM role in your AWS account. Associate an IAM policy with the role to provide permissions to any user who assumes it. The IAM role needs to provide permissions to retrieve embedding URLs for a specific user pool. With the help of the wildcard character *, you can grant the permissions to generate a URL for all users in a specific namespace, or for a subset of users in specific namespaces. For this, you add quicksight:GenerateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUser.

You can create a condition in your IAM policy that limits the domains that developers can list in the AllowedDomains parameter of a GenerateEmbedUrlForAnonymousUser API operation. The AllowedDomains parameter is an optional parameter. It grants you as a developer the option to override the static domains that are configured in the Manage QuickSight menu. Instead, you can list up to three domains or subdomains that can access a generated URL. This URL is then embedded in the website that you create. Only the domains that are listed in the parameter can access the embedded dashboard. Without this condition, you can list any domain on the internet in the AllowedDomains parameter.

To limit the domains that developers can use with this parameter, add an AllowedEmbeddingDomains condition to your IAM policy. For more information about the AllowedDomains parameter, see GenerateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUser in the Amazon QuickSight API Reference.

The following sample policy provides these permissions.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "quicksight:GenerateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUser" ], "Resource": "arn:partition:quicksight:region:accountId:user/namespace/userName", "Condition": { "ForAllValues:StringEquals": { "quicksight:AllowedEmbeddingDomains": [ "https://my.static.domain1.com", "https://*.my.static.domain2.com" ] } } } ] }

Additionally, if you are creating first-time users who will be Amazon QuickSight readers, make sure to add the quicksight:RegisterUser permission in the policy.

The following sample policy provides permission to retrieve an embedding URL for first-time users who are to be QuickSight readers.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Action": "quicksight:RegisterUser", "Resource": "*", "Effect": "Allow" }, { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "quicksight:GenerateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUser" ], "Resource": [ "arn:{{partition}}:quicksight:{{region}}:{{accountId}}:namespace/{{namespace}}", "arn:{{partition}}:quicksight:{{region}}:{{accountId}}:dashboard/{{dashboardId-1}}", "arn:{{partition}}:quicksight:{{region}}:{{accountId}}:dashboard/{{dashboardId-2}}" ], "Condition": { "ForAllValues:StringEquals": { "quicksight:AllowedEmbeddingDomains": [ "https://my.static.domain1.com", "https://*.my.static.domain2.com" ] } } } ] }

Finally, your application's IAM identity must have a trust policy associated with it to allow access to the role that you just created. This means that when a user accesses your application, your application can assume the role on the user's behalf and provision the user in QuickSight. The following example shows a sample trust policy.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "AllowLambdaFunctionsToAssumeThisRole", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": "lambda.amazonaws.com" }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole" }, { "Sid": "AllowEC2InstancesToAssumeThisRole", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": "ec2.amazonaws.com" }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole" } ] }

For more information regarding trust policies for OpenID Connect or SAML authentication, see the following sections of the IAM User Guide:

Step 2: Generate the URL with the authentication code attached

In the following section, you can find out how to authenticate your QuickSight user and get the embeddable visual URL on your application server. If you plan to embed visuals for IAM or QuickSight identity types, share the visual with the QuickSight users.

When a QuickSight user accesses your app, the app assumes the IAM role on the QuickSight user's behalf. Then it adds the user to QuickSight, if that QuickSight user doesn't already exist. Next, it passes an identifier as the unique role session ID.

Performing the described steps ensures that each viewer of the visual is uniquely provisioned in QuickSight. It also enforces per-user settings, such as the row-level security and dynamic defaults for parameters.

The following examples perform the IAM authentication on the QuickSight user's behalf. This code runs on your app server.

import com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentials; import com.amazonaws.auth.BasicAWSCredentials; import com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentialsProvider; import com.amazonaws.regions.Regions; import com.amazonaws.services.quicksight.AmazonQuickSight; import com.amazonaws.services.quicksight.AmazonQuickSightClientBuilder; import com.amazonaws.services.quicksight.model.DashboardVisualId; import com.amazonaws.services.quicksight.model.GenerateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUserRequest; import com.amazonaws.services.quicksight.model.GenerateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUserResult; import com.amazonaws.services.quicksight.model.RegisteredUserDashboardVisualEmbeddingConfiguration; import com.amazonaws.services.quicksight.model.RegisteredUserEmbeddingExperienceConfiguration; import java.util.List; /** * Class to call QuickSight AWS SDK to get url for Visual embedding. */ public class GenerateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUserTest { private final AmazonQuickSight quickSightClient; public GenerateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUserTest() { this.quickSightClient = AmazonQuickSightClientBuilder .standard() .withRegion(Regions.US_EAST_1.getName()) .withCredentials(new AWSCredentialsProvider() { @Override public AWSCredentials getCredentials() { // provide actual IAM access key and secret key here return new BasicAWSCredentials("access-key", "secret-key"); } @Override public void refresh() { } } ) .build(); } public String getEmbedUrl( final String accountId, // AWS Account ID final String dashboardId, // Dashboard ID of the dashboard to embed final String sheetId, // Sheet ID of the sheet to embed final String visualId, // Visual ID of the visual to embed final List<String> allowedDomains, // Runtime allowed domains for embedding final String userArn // Registered user arn of the user that you want to provide embedded visual. Refer to Get Embed Url section in developer portal to find out how to get user arn for a QuickSight user. ) throws Exception { final DashboardVisualId dashboardVisual = new DashboardVisualId() .withDashboardId(dashboardId) .withSheetId(sheetId) .withVisualId(visualId); final RegisteredUserDashboardVisualEmbeddingConfiguration registeredUserDashboardVisualEmbeddingConfiguration = new RegisteredUserDashboardVisualEmbeddingConfiguration() .withInitialDashboardVisualId(dashboardVisual); final RegisteredUserEmbeddingExperienceConfiguration registeredUserEmbeddingExperienceConfiguration = new RegisteredUserEmbeddingExperienceConfiguration() .withDashboardVisual(registeredUserDashboardVisualEmbeddingConfiguration); final GenerateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUserRequest generateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUserRequest = new GenerateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUserRequest() .withAwsAccountId(accountId) .withUserArn(userArn) .withExperienceConfiguration(registeredUserEmbeddingExperienceConfiguration) .withAllowedDomains(allowedDomains); final GenerateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUserResult generateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUserResult = quickSightClient.generateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUser(generateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUserRequest); return generateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUserResult.getEmbedUrl(); } }
global.fetch = require('node-fetch'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); function generateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUser( accountId, // Your AWS account ID dashboardId, // Dashboard ID to which the constructed URL points sheetId, // Sheet ID to which the constructed URL points visualId, // Visual ID to which the constructed URL points openIdToken, // Cognito-based token userArn, // registered user arn roleArn, // IAM user role to use for embedding sessionName, // Session name for the roleArn assume role allowedDomains, // Runtime allowed domain for embedding getEmbedUrlCallback, // GetEmbedUrl success callback method errorCallback // GetEmbedUrl error callback method ) { const stsClient = new AWS.STS(); let stsParams = { RoleSessionName: sessionName, WebIdentityToken: openIdToken, RoleArn: roleArn } stsClient.assumeRoleWithWebIdentity(stsParams, function(err, data) { if (err) { console.log('Error assuming role'); console.log(err, err.stack); errorCallback(err); } else { const getDashboardParams = { "AwsAccountId": accountId, "ExperienceConfiguration": { "DashboardVisual": { "InitialDashboardVisualId": { "DashboardId": dashboardId, "SheetId": sheetId, "VisualId": visualId } } }, "UserArn": userArn, "AllowedDomains": allowedDomains, "SessionLifetimeInMinutes": 600 }; const quicksightGetDashboard = new AWS.QuickSight({ region: process.env.AWS_REGION, credentials: { accessKeyId: data.Credentials.AccessKeyId, secretAccessKey: data.Credentials.SecretAccessKey, sessionToken: data.Credentials.SessionToken, expiration: data.Credentials.Expiration } }); quicksightGetDashboard.generateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUser(getDashboardParams, function(err, data) { if (err) { console.log(err, err.stack); errorCallback(err); } else { const result = { "statusCode": 200, "headers": { "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*", // Use your website domain to secure access to GetEmbedUrl API "Access-Control-Allow-Headers": "Content-Type" }, "body": JSON.stringify(data), "isBase64Encoded": false } getEmbedUrlCallback(result); } }); } }); }
import json import boto3 from botocore.exceptions import ClientError sts = boto3.client('sts') # Function to generate embedded URL # accountId: AWS account ID # dashboardId: Dashboard ID to embed # sheetId: SHEET ID to embed from the dashboard # visualId: Id for the Visual you want to embedded from the dashboard sheet. # userArn: arn of registered user # allowedDomains: Runtime allowed domain for embedding # roleArn: IAM user role to use for embedding # sessionName: session name for the roleArn assume role def getEmbeddingURL(accountId, dashboardId, sheetId, visualId, userArn, allowedDomains, roleArn, sessionName): try: assumedRole = sts.assume_role( RoleArn = roleArn, RoleSessionName = sessionName, ) except ClientError as e: return "Error assuming role: " + str(e) else: assumedRoleSession = boto3.Session( aws_access_key_id = assumedRole['Credentials']['AccessKeyId'], aws_secret_access_key = assumedRole['Credentials']['SecretAccessKey'], aws_session_token = assumedRole['Credentials']['SessionToken'], ) try: quicksightClient = assumedRoleSession.client('quicksight', region_name='us-west-2') response = quicksightClient.generate_embed_url_for_registered_user( AwsAccountId=accountId, ExperienceConfiguration = { 'DashboardVisual': { 'InitialDashboardVisualId': { 'DashboardId': dashboardId, 'SheetId': sheetId, 'VisualId': visualId } }, }, UserArn = userArn, AllowedDomains = allowedDomains, SessionLifetimeInMinutes = 600 ) return { 'statusCode': 200, 'headers': {"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*", "Access-Control-Allow-Headers": "Content-Type"}, 'body': json.dumps(response), 'isBase64Encoded': bool('false') } except ClientError as e: return "Error generating embedding url: " + str(e)

The following example shows the JavaScript (Node.js) that you can use on the app server to generate the URL for the embedded dashboard. You can use this URL in your website or app to display the dashboard.

const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const https = require('https'); var quicksightClient = new AWS.Service({ apiConfig: require('./quicksight-2018-04-01.min.json'), region: 'us-east-1', }); quicksightClient.generateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUser({ 'AwsAccountId': '111122223333', 'ExperienceConfiguration': { 'DashboardVisual': { 'InitialDashboardVisualId': { 'DashboardId': 'dashboard_id', 'SheetId': 'sheet_id', 'VisualId': 'visual_id' } } }, 'UserArn': 'REGISTERED_USER_ARN', 'AllowedDomains': allowedDomains, 'SessionLifetimeInMinutes': 100 }, function(err, data) { console.log('Errors: '); console.log(err); console.log('Response: '); console.log(data); });
//The URL returned is over 900 characters. For this example, we've shortened the string for //readability and added ellipsis to indicate that it's incomplete. { "Status": "200", "EmbedUrl": "https://quicksightdomain/embed/12345/dashboards/67890/sheets/12345/visuals/67890...", "RequestId": "7bee030e-f191-45c4-97fe-d9faf0e03713" }

The following example shows the .NET/C# code that you can use on the app server to generate the URL for the embedded dashboard. You can use this URL in your website or app to display the dashboard.

using System; using Amazon.QuickSight; using Amazon.QuickSight.Model; namespace GenerateDashboardEmbedUrlForRegisteredUser { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { var quicksightClient = new AmazonQuickSightClient( AccessKey, SecretAccessKey, SessionToken, Amazon.RegionEndpoint.USEast1); try { DashboardVisualId dashboardVisual = new DashboardVisualId { DashboardId = "dashboard_id", SheetId = "sheet_id", VisualId = "visual_id" }; RegisteredUserDashboardVisualEmbeddingConfiguration registeredUserDashboardVisualEmbeddingConfiguration = new RegisteredUserDashboardVisualEmbeddingConfiguration { InitialDashboardVisualId = dashboardVisual }; RegisteredUserEmbeddingExperienceConfiguration registeredUserEmbeddingExperienceConfiguration = new RegisteredUserEmbeddingExperienceConfiguration { DashboardVisual = registeredUserDashboardVisualEmbeddingConfiguration }; Console.WriteLine( quicksightClient.GenerateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUserAsync(new GenerateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUserRequest { AwsAccountId = "111122223333", ExperienceConfiguration = registeredUserEmbeddingExperienceConfiguration, UserArn = "REGISTERED_USER_ARN", AllowedDomains = allowedDomains, SessionLifetimeInMinutes = 100 }).Result.EmbedUrl ); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } } }

To assume the role, choose one of the following AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS) API operations:

  • AssumeRole – Use this operation when you're using an IAM identity to assume the role.

  • AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity – Use this operation when you're using a web identity provider to authenticate your user.

  • AssumeRoleWithSaml – Use this operation when you're using SAML to authenticate your users.

The following example shows the CLI command to set the IAM role. The role needs to have permissions enabled for quicksight:GenerateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUser. If you are taking a just-in-time approach to add users when they first open a dashboard, the role also needs permissions enabled for quicksight:RegisterUser.

aws sts assume-role \ --role-arn "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/embedding_quicksight_visual_role" \ --role-session-name john.doe@example.com

The assume-role operation returns three output parameters: the access key, the secret key, and the session token.


If you get an ExpiredToken error when calling the AssumeRole operation, this is probably because the previous SESSION TOKEN is still in the environment variables. Clear this by setting the following variables:




The following example shows how to set these three parameters in the CLI. If you're using a Microsoft Windows machine, use set instead of export.

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = "access_key_from_assume_role" export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = "secret_key_from_assume_role" export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN = "session_token_from_assume_role"

Running these commands sets the role session ID of the user visiting your website to embedding_quicksight_visual_role/john.doe@example.com. The role session ID is made up of the role name from role-arn and the role-session-name value. Using the unique role session ID for each user ensures that appropriate permissions are set for each user. It also prevents any throttling of user access. Throttling is a security feature that prevents the same user from accessing QuickSight from multiple locations.

The role session ID also becomes the user name in QuickSight. You can use this pattern to provision your users in QuickSight ahead of time, or to provision them the first time they access the dashboard.

The following example shows the CLI command that you can use to provision a user. For more information about RegisterUser, DescribeUser, and other QuickSight API operations, see the QuickSight API Reference.

aws quicksight register-user \ --aws-account-id 111122223333 \ --namespace default \ --identity-type IAM \ --iam-arn "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/embedding_quicksight_visual_role" \ --user-role READER \ --user-name jhnd \ --session-name "john.doe@example.com" \ --email john.doe@example.com \ --region us-east-1 \ --custom-permissions-name TeamA1

If the user is authenticated through Microsoft AD, you don't need to use RegisterUser to set them up. Instead, they should be automatically subscribed the first time they access QuickSight. For Microsoft AD users, you can use DescribeUser to get the user ARN.

The first time a user accesses QuickSight, you can also add this user to the group that the visual is shared with. The following example shows the CLI command to add a user to a group.

aws quicksight create-group-membership \ --aws-account-id=111122223333 \ --namespace=default \ --group-name=financeusers \ --member-name="embedding_quicksight_visual_role/john.doe@example.com"

You now have a user of your app who is also a user of QuickSight, and who has access to the visual.

Finally, to get a signed URL for the visual, call generate-embed-url-for-registered-user from the app server. This returns the embeddable visual URL. The following example shows how to generate the URL for an embedded visual using a server-side call for users authenticated through AWS Managed Microsoft AD or single sign-on (IAM Identity Center).

aws quicksight generate-embed-url-for-registered-user \ --aws-account-id 111122223333 \ --session-lifetime-in-minutes 600 \ --user-arn arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:111122223333:user/default/embedding_quicksight_visual_role/embeddingsession \ --allowed-domains '["domain1","domain2"]' \ --experience-configuration 'DashboardVisual={InitialDashboardVisualId={DashboardId=dashboard_id,SheetId=sheet_id,VisualId=visual_id}}'

For more information about using this operation, see GenerateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUser. You can use this and other API operations in your own code.

Step 3: Embed the visual URL

In the following section, you can find out how you can use the Amazon QuickSight Embedding SDK (JavaScript) to embed the visual URL from step 3 in your website or application page. With the SDK, you can do the following:

  • Place the visual on an HTML page.

  • Pass parameters into the visual.

  • Handle error states with messages that are customized to your application.

Call the GenerateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUser API operation to generate the URL that you can embed in your app. This URL is valid for 5 minutes, and the resulting session is valid for up to 10 hours. The API operation provides the URL with an auth_code that enables a single-sign on session.

The following shows an example response from generate-embed-url-for-registered-user. The quicksightdomain in this example is the URL that you use to access your QuickSight account.

//The URL returned is over 900 characters. For this example, we've shortened the string for //readability and added ellipsis to indicate that it's incomplete. { "Status": "200", "EmbedUrl": "https://quicksightdomain/embed/12345/dashboards/67890/sheets/12345/visuals/67890...", "RequestId": "7bee030e-f191-45c4-97fe-d9faf0e03713" }

Embed this visual in your webpage by using the QuickSight Embedding SDK or by adding this URL into an iframe. If you set a fixed height and width number (in pixels), QuickSight uses those and doesn't change your visual as your window resizes. If you set a relative percent height and width, QuickSight provides a responsive layout that is modified as your window size changes. By using the Amazon QuickSight Embedding SDK, you can also control parameters within the visual and receive callbacks in terms of page load completion and errors.

The domain that is going to host embedded visuals and dashboards must be on the allow list, the list of approved domains for your Amazon QuickSight subscription. This requirement protects your data by keeping unapproved domains from hosting embedded visuals and dashboards. For more information about adding domains for embedded visuals and dashboards, see Allow listing domains at runtime with the QuickSight API.

The following example shows how to use the generated URL. This code is generated on your app server.

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Visual Embedding Example</title> <script src="https://unpkg.com/amazon-quicksight-embedding-sdk@2.0.0/dist/quicksight-embedding-js-sdk.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> const embedVisual = async() => { const { createEmbeddingContext, } = QuickSightEmbedding; const embeddingContext = await createEmbeddingContext({ onChange: (changeEvent, metadata) => { console.log('Context received a change', changeEvent, metadata); }, }); const frameOptions = { url: "<YOUR_EMBED_URL>", // replace this value with the url generated via embedding API container: '#experience-container', height: "700px", width: "1000px", onChange: (changeEvent, metadata) => { switch (changeEvent.eventName) { case 'FRAME_MOUNTED': { console.log("Do something when the experience frame is mounted."); break; } case 'FRAME_LOADED': { console.log("Do something when the experience frame is loaded."); break; } } }, }; const contentOptions = { parameters: [ { Name: 'country', Values: ['United States'], }, { Name: 'states', Values: [ 'California', 'Washington' ] } ], locale: "en-US", onMessage: async (messageEvent, experienceMetadata) => { switch (messageEvent.eventName) { case 'CONTENT_LOADED': { console.log("All visuals are loaded. The title of the document:", messageEvent.message.title); break; } case 'ERROR_OCCURRED': { console.log("Error occured while rendering the experience. Error code:", messageEvent.message.errorCode); break; } case 'PARAMETERS_CHANGED': { console.log("Parameters changed. Changed parameters:", messageEvent.message.changedParameters); break; } case 'SIZE_CHANGED': { console.log("Size changed. New dimensions:", messageEvent.message); break; } } }, }; const embeddedVisualExperience = await embeddingContext.embedVisual(frameOptions, contentOptions); const selectCountryElement = document.getElementById('country'); selectCountryElement.addEventListener('change', (event) => { embeddedVisualExperience.setParameters([ { Name: 'country', Values: event.target.value } ]); }); }; </script> </head> <body onload="embedVisual()"> <span> <label for="country">Country</label> <select id="country" name="country"> <option value="United States">United States</option> <option value="Mexico">Mexico</option> <option value="Canada">Canada</option> </select> </span> <div id="experience-container"></div> </body> </html>
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Visual Embedding Example</title> <!-- You can download the latest QuickSight embedding SDK version from https://www.npmjs.com/package/amazon-quicksight-embedding-sdk --> <!-- Or you can do "npm install amazon-quicksight-embedding-sdk", if you use npm for javascript dependencies --> <script src="./quicksight-embedding-js-sdk.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> let embeddedVisualExperience; function onVisualLoad(payload) { console.log("Do something when the visual is fully loaded."); } function onError(payload) { console.log("Do something when the visual fails loading"); } function embedVisual() { const containerDiv = document.getElementById("embeddingContainer"); const options = { url: "<YOUR_EMBED_URL>", // replace this value with the url generated via embedding API container: containerDiv, parameters: { country: "United States" }, height: "700px", width: "1000px", locale: "en-US" }; embeddedVisualExperience = QuickSightEmbedding.embedVisual(options); embeddedVisualExperience.on("error", onError); embeddedVisualExperience.on("load", onVisualLoad); } function onCountryChange(obj) { embeddedVisualExperience.setParameters({country: obj.value}); } </script> </head> <body onload="embedVisual()"> <span> <label for="country">Country</label> <select id="country" name="country" onchange="onCountryChange(this)"> <option value="United States">United States</option> <option value="Mexico">Mexico</option> <option value="Canada">Canada</option> </select> </span> <div id="embeddingContainer"></div> </body> </html>

For this example to work, make sure to use the Amazon QuickSight Embedding SDK to load the embedded visual on your website using JavaScript. To get your copy, do one of the following: