Ifelse - Amazon QuickSight


ifelse evaluates a set of if, then expression pairings, and returns the value of the then argument for the first if argument that evaluates to true. If none of the if arguments evaluate to true, then the value of the else argument is returned.


ifelse(if-expression-1, then-expression-1 [, if-expression-n, then-expression-n ...], else-expression)


ifelse requires one or more if,then expression pairings, and requires exactly one expression for the else argument.


The expression to be evaluated as true or not. It can be a field name like address1, a literal value like 'Unknown', or another function like toString(salesAmount). An example is isNotNull(FieldName).

If you use multiple AND and OR operators in the if argument, enclose statements in parentheses to identify processing order. For example, the following if argument returns records with a month of 1, 2, or 5 and a year of 2000.

ifelse((month = 5 OR month < 3) AND year = 2000, 'yes', 'no')

The next if argument uses the same operators, but returns records with a month of 5 and any year, or with a month of 1 or 2 and a year of 2000.

ifelse(month = 5 OR (month < 3 AND year = 2000), 'yes', 'no')

The expression to return if its if argument is evaluated as true. It can be a field name like address1, a literal value like 'Unknown', or a call to another function. The expression must have the same data type as the other then arguments and the else argument.


The expression to return if none of the if arguments evaluate as true. It can be a field name like address1, a literal value like 'Unknown', or another function like toString(salesAmount). The expression must have the same data type as all of the then arguments.

Return type

ifelse returns a value of the same data type as the values in then-expression. All data returned then and else expressions must be of the same data type or be converted to the same data type.


The following example generates a column of aliases for field country.

ifelse(country = "United States", "US", country = "China", "CN", country = "India", "IN", "Others")

For such use cases evaluating each value in a field against a list of literals, and returns the result corresponding to the first matching value., function switch is recommended to simplify your work. The previous example can be rewritten to the following statement using switch:

switch(country,"United States","US","China","CN","India","IN","Others")

The following example categorizes sales per customer into human-readable levels.

ifelse(salesPerCustomer < 1000, “VERY_LOW”, salesPerCustomer < 10000, “LOW”, salesPerCustomer < 100000, “MEDIUM”, “HIGH”)

The following example uses AND, OR, and NOT to compare multiple expressions using conditional operators to tag top customers NOT in Washington or Oregon with a special promotion, who made more than 10 orders. If no values are returned, the value 'n/a' is used.

ifelse(( (NOT (State = 'WA' OR State = 'OR')) AND Orders > 10), 'Special Promotion XYZ', 'n/a')

The following examples use only OR to generate a new column that contains the name of continent that corresponds to each country.

ifelse(country = "United States" OR country = "Canada", "North America", country = "China" OR country = "India" OR country = "Japan", "Asia", "Others")

The previous example can be simplified as shown in the next example. The following example uses ifelse and in to create a value in a new column for any row where the tested value is in a literal list. You could use ifelse with notIn as well.

ifelse(in(country,["United States", "Canada"]), "North America", in(country,["China","Japan","India"]),"Asia","Others")

Authors are able to save a literal list in a multivalue parameter and use it in the in or notIn functions. The following example is an equivalent of the previous example, except that the literal lists are stored in two multivalue parameters.

ifelse(in(country,${NorthAmericaCountryParam}), "North America", in(country,${AsiaCountryParam}),"Asia", "Others")

The following example assigns a group to a sales record based on the sales total. The structure of each if-then phrase mimics the behavior of between, a keyword that doesn't currently work in calculated field expressions. For example, the result of the comparison salesTotal >= 0 AND salesTotal < 500 returns the same values as the SQL comparison salesTotal between 0 and 499.

ifelse(salesTotal >= 0 AND salesTotal < 500, 'Group 1', salesTotal >= 500 AND salesTotal < 1000, 'Group 2', 'Group 3')

The following example tests for a NULL value by using coalesce to return the first non-NULL value. Instead of needing to remember the meaning of a NULL in a date field, you can use a readable description instead. If the disconnect date is NULL, the example returns the suspend date, unless both of those are NULL. Then coalesce(DiscoDate, SuspendDate, '12/31/2491') returns '12/31/2491'. The return value must match the other data types. This date might seem like an unusual value, but a date in the 25th century reasonably simulates the "end of time," defined as the highest date in a data mart.

ifelse ( (coalesce(DiscoDate, SuspendDate, '12/31/2491') = '12/31/2491'), 'Active subscriber', 'Inactive subscriber')

The following shows a more complex example in a more readable format, just to show that you don't need to compress your code all into one long line. This example provides for multiple comparisons of the value a survey result. It handles potential NULL values for this field and categorizes two acceptable ranges. It also labels one range that needs more testing and another that's not valid (out of range). For all remaining values, it applies the else condition, and labels the row as needing a retest three years after the date on that row.

ifelse ( isNull({SurveyResult}), 'Untested', {SurveyResult}=1, 'Range 1', {SurveyResult}=2, 'Range 2', {SurveyResult}=3, 'Need more testing', {SurveyResult}=99, 'Out of Range', concat ( 'Retest by ', toString ( addDateTime(3, "YYYY", {Date}) ) ) )

The following example assigns a "manually" created region name to a group of states. It also uses spacing and comments, wrapped in /* */, to make it easier to maintain the code.

ifelse ( /* NE REGION*/ locate('New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Vermont, Maine, Rhode Island, New Hampshire',{State}) > 0, 'Northeast', /* SE REGION*/ locate('Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, Louisiana',{State}) > 0, 'Southeast', 'Other Region' )

The logic for the region tagging breaks down as follows:

  1. We list the states that we want for each region, enclosing each list in quotation marks to make each list a string, as follows:

    • 'New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Vermont, Maine, Rhode Island, New Hampshire'

    • 'Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, Louisiana'

    • You can add more sets, or use countries, cities, provinces, or What3Words if you want.

  2. We ask if the value for State (for each row) is found in the list, by using the locate function to return a nonzero value if the state is found in the list, as follows.

    locate('New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Vermont, Maine, Rhode Island, New Hampshire',{State}) and locate('Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, Louisiana',{State})
  3. The locate function returns a number instead of a TRUE or FALSE, but ifelse requires the TRUE/FALSE Boolean value. To get around this, we can compare the result of locate to a number. If the state is in the list, the return value is greater than zero.

    1. Ask if the state is present.

      locate('New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Vermont, Maine, Rhode Island, New Hampshire',{State}) > 0
    2. If it's present the region, label it as the specific region, in this case a Northeast region.

      /*The if expression:*/ locate('New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Vermont, Maine, Rhode Island, New Hampshire',{State}) > 0, /*The then expression:*/ 'Northeast',
  4. Because we have states that aren't in a list, and because ifelse requires a single else expression, we provide 'Other Region' as the label for the leftover states.

    /*The if expression:*/ locate('New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Vermont, Maine, Rhode Island, New Hampshire',{State}) > 0, /*The then expression:*/ 'Northeast', /*The else expression:*/ 'Other Region'
  5. We wrap all that in the ifelse( ) function to get the final version. The following example leaves out the Southeast region states that were in the original. You can add them back in place of the <insert more regions here> tag.

    If you want to add more regions, you can construct more copies of those two lines and alter the list of states to suit your purpose. You can change the region name to something that suits you, and change the field name from State to anything that you need.

    ifelse ( /*The if expression:*/ locate('New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Vermont, Maine, Rhode Island, New Hampshire',{State}) > 0, /*The then expression:*/ 'Northeast', /*<insert more regions here>*/ /*The else expression:*/ 'Other Region' )

    There are other ways to do the initial comparison for the if expression. For example, suppose that you pose the question "What states are not missing from this list?" rather than "Which states are on the list?" If you do, you might phrase it differently. You might compare the locate statement to zero to find values that are missing from the list, and then use the NOT operator to classify them as "not missing," as follows.

    /*The if expression:*/ NOT (locate('New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Vermont, Maine, Rhode Island, New Hampshire',{State}) = 0),

    Both versions are correct. The version that you choose should make the most sense to you and your team, so you can maintain it easily. If all the options seem equal, choose the simplest.