minOver - Amazon QuickSight


The minOver function calculates the minimum of a measure or date partitioned by a list of dimensions.


The brackets are required. To see which arguments are optional, see the following descriptions.

minOver ( measure ,[ partition_field, ... ] ,calculation level )



The measure that you want to do the calculation for, for example sum({Sales Amt}). Use an aggregation if the calculation level is set to NULL or POST_AGG_FILTER. Don't use an aggregation if the calculation level is set to PRE_FILTER or PRE_AGG.

partition field

(Optional) One or more dimensions that you want to partition by, separated by commas.

Each field in the list is enclosed in {} (curly braces), if it is more than one word. The entire list is enclosed in [ ] (square brackets).

calculation level

(Optional) Specifies the calculation level to use:

  • PRE_FILTER – Prefilter calculations are computed before the dataset filters.

  • PRE_AGG – Preaggregate calculations are computed before applying aggregations and top and bottom N filters to the visuals.

  • POST_AGG_FILTER – (Default) Table calculations are computed when the visuals display.

This value defaults to POST_AGG_FILTER when blank. For more information, see Using level-aware calculations in Amazon QuickSight.


The following example calculates the min sum(Sales), partitioned by City and State.

minOver ( sum(Sales), [City, State] )

The following example shows the minimum Billed Amount over Customer Region. The fields in the table calculation are in the field wells of the visual.

minOver ( sum({Billed Amount}), [{Customer Region}] )

The following screenshot shows the results of the example. With the addition of Service Line, the total amount billed for each is displayed, and the minimum of these three values displays in the calculated field.

Data table showing billed amounts and minOver values for customer regions and service lines.