Using small multiples
Use this feature when you need to set multiple comparative visuals in a row. When you activate the small multiples feature, Amazon QuickSight creates a container or shelf of small visuals, presented side-by-side. Each copy of the visual contains a one view of the data. Using small multiples is a way to get a holistic view of your business, in an efficient and interactive way.
Small multiples aren't listed in the palette visualization icons. Instead, the option to create small multiples appears as a field well, in the visuals that support it.
To add small visuals to your analysis
On a line, bar, or pie charts, add a field to the Small multiples field well.
To see your small multiples, you need to enlarge the container that holds them, so you can see all of them at once.
To format the set of small multiples, choose Format visual (the pencil icon) from the menu on the visual. You can adjust the following settings:
Visible rows
Visible columns
Number of panels
Panel title options (toggle)
Font size and color
Font weight
Text alignment
Panel order options (toggle)
Line thickness, style, and color
Panel gutter (toggle)
Panel background (toggle)
Background color
The following screenshot shows an example of small multiples: