sumIf - Amazon QuickSight


Based on a conditional statement, the sumIf function adds the set of numbers in the specified measure, grouped by the chosen dimension or dimensions. For example, sumIf(ProdRev,CalendarDay >= ${BasePeriodStartDate} AND CalendarDay <= ${BasePeriodEndDate} AND SourcingType <> 'Indirect') returns the total profit amount grouped by the (optional) chosen dimension, if the condition evaluates to true.


sumIf(measure, conditions)



The argument must be a measure. Null values are omitted from the results. Literal values don't work. The argument must be a field.


One or more conditions in a single statement.


The following example uses a calculated field with sumIf to display the sales amount if Segment is equal to SMB.

sumIf(Sales, Segment=’SMB’)

The following example uses a calculated field with sumIf to display the sales amount if Segment is equal to SMB and Order Date greater than year 2022.

sumIf(Sales, Segment=’SMB’ AND {Order Date} >=’2022-01-01’)