Supported formats for Amazon S3 manifest files - Amazon QuickSight

Supported formats for Amazon S3 manifest files

You use JSON manifest files to specify files in Amazon S3 to import into Amazon QuickSight. These JSON manifest files can use either the Amazon QuickSight format described following or the Amazon Redshift format described in Using a manifest to specify data files in the Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide. You don't have to use Amazon Redshift to use the Amazon Redshift manifest file format.

If you use an Amazon QuickSight manifest file, it must have a .json extension, for example my_manifest.json. If you use an Amazon Redshift manifest file, it can have any extension.

If you use an Amazon Redshift manifest file, Amazon QuickSight processes the optional mandatory option as Amazon Redshift does. If the associated file isn't found, Amazon QuickSight ends the import process and returns an error.

Files that you select for import must be delimited text (for example, .csv or .tsv), log (.clf), or extended log (.elf) format, or JSON (.json). All files identified in one manifest file must use the same file format. Plus, they must have the same number and type of columns. Amazon QuickSight supports UTF-8 file encoding, but not UTF-8 (with ap-south-1). If you are importing JSON files, then for globalUploadSettings specify format, but not delimiter, textqualifier, or containsHeader.

Make sure that any files that you specify are in Amazon S3 buckets that you have granted Amazon QuickSight access to. For information about granting Amazon QuickSight access to AWS resources, see Accessing data sources.

Manifest file format for Amazon QuickSight

Amazon QuickSight manifest files use the following JSON format.

{ "fileLocations": [ { "URIs": [ "uri1", "uri2", "uri3" ] }, { "URIPrefixes": [ "prefix1", "prefix2", "prefix3" ] } ], "globalUploadSettings": { "format": "JSON", "delimiter": ",", "textqualifier": "'", "containsHeader": "true" } }

Use the fields in the fileLocations element to specify the files to import, and the fields in the globalUploadSettings element to specify import settings for those files, such as field delimiters.

The manifest file elements are described following:

  • fileLocations – Use this element to specify the files to import. You can use either or both of the URIs and URIPrefixes arrays to do this. You must specify at least one value in one or the other of them.

    • URIs – Use this array to list URIs for specific files to import.

      Amazon QuickSight can access Amazon S3 files that are in any AWS Region. However, you must use a URI format that identifies the AWS Region of the Amazon S3 bucket if it's different from that used by your Amazon QuickSight account.

      URIs in the following formats are supported.

      URI format Example Comments<bucket name>/<file name>
      s3://<bucket name>/<file name> s3://awsexamplebucket/data.csv
      https://<bucket name><file name>
      https://s3-<region name><bucket name>/<file name>

      This URI type identifies the AWS Region for the Amazon S3 bucket.

      https://<bucket name>.s3-<region name><file name> This URI type identifies the AWS Region for the Amazon S3 bucket.
    • URIPrefixes – Use this array to list URI prefixes for S3 buckets and folders. All files in a specified bucket or folder are imported. Amazon QuickSight recursively retrieves files from child folders.

      QuickSight can access Amazon S3 buckets or folders that are in any AWS Region. Make sure to use a URI prefix format that identifies the S3 bucket's AWS Region if it's different from that used by your QuickSight account.

      URI prefixes in the following formats are supported.

      URI prefix format Example Comments<bucket name>/<bucket name>/<folder name1>/(<folder name2>/etc.)
      s3://<bucket name> s3://awsexamplebucket/
      s3://<bucket name>/<folder name1>/(<folder name2>/etc.) s3://awsexamplebucket/folder1/

      https://<bucket name>
      https://s3-<region name><bucket name>/ This URIPrefix type identifies the AWS Region for the Amazon S3 bucket.
      https://s3-<region name><bucket name>/<folder name1>/(<folder name2>/etc.) This URIPrefix type identifies the AWS Region for the Amazon S3 bucket.
      https://<bucket name>.s3-<region name>

      This URIPrefix type identifies the AWS Region for the Amazon S3 bucket.
  • globalUploadSettings – (Optional) Use this element to specify import settings for the Amazon S3 files, such as field delimiters. If this element is not specified, Amazon QuickSight uses the default values for the fields in this section.


    For log (.clf) and extended log (.elf) files, only the format field in this section is applicable, so you can skip the other fields. If you choose to include them, their values are ignored.

    • format – (Optional) Specify the format of the files to be imported. Valid formats are CSV, TSV, CLF, ELF, and JSON. The default value is CSV.

    • delimiter – (Optional) Specify the file field delimiter. This must map to the file type specified in the format field. Valid formats are commas (,) for .csv files and tabs (\t) for .tsv files. The default value is comma (,).

    • textqualifier – (Optional) Specify the file text qualifier. Valid formats are single quote ('), double quotes (\"). The leading backslash is a required escape character for a double quote in JSON. The default value is double quotes (\"). If your text doesn't need a text qualifier, don't include this property.

    • containsHeader – (Optional) Specify whether the file has a header row. Valid formats are true or false. The default value is true.

Manifest file examples for Amazon QuickSight

The following are some examples of completed Amazon QuickSight manifest files.

The following example shows a manifest file that identifies two specific .csv files for import. These files use double quotes for text qualifiers. The format, delimiter, and containsHeader fields are skipped because the default values are acceptable.

{ "fileLocations": [ { "URIs": [ "", "" ] } ], "globalUploadSettings": { "textqualifier": "\"" } }

The following example shows a manifest file that identifies one specific .tsv file for import. This file also includes a bucket in another AWS Region that contains additional .tsv files for import. The textqualifier and containsHeader fields are skipped because the default values are acceptable.

{ "fileLocations": [ { "URIs": [ "" ] }, { "URIPrefixes": [ "" ] } ], "globalUploadSettings": { "format": "TSV", "delimiter": "\t" } }

The following example identifies two buckets that contain .clf files for import. One is in the same AWS Region as the Amazon QuickSight account, and one in a different AWS Region. The delimiter, textqualifier, and containsHeader fields are skipped because they are not applicable to log files.

{ "fileLocations": [ { "URIPrefixes": [ "", "s3://awsexamplebucket2/" ] } ], "globalUploadSettings": { "format": "CLF" } }

The following example uses the Amazon Redshift format to identify a .csv file for import.

{ "entries": [ { "url": "", "mandatory": true } ] }

The following example uses the Amazon Redshift format to identify two JSON files for import.

{ "fileLocations": [ { "URIs": [ "", "" ] } ], "globalUploadSettings": { "format": "JSON" } }