Use SYS_QUERY_HISTORY to view details of user queries. Each row represents a user query with accumulated statistics for some of the fields. This view contains many types of queries, such as data definition language (DDL), data manipulation language (DML), copy, unload, and Amazon Redshift Spectrum. It contains both running and finished queries.
SYS_QUERY_HISTORY is visible to all users. Superusers can see all rows; regular users can see only their own data. For more information, see Visibility of data in system tables and views.
Table columns
Column name | Data type | Description |
user_id | integer | The identifier of the user who submitted the query. |
query_id | bigint | The query identifier. |
query_label | character(320) | The short name for the query. |
transaction_id | bigint | The transaction identifier. |
session_id | integer | The process identifier of the process running the query. |
database_name | character(128) | The name of the database the user was connected to when the query was issued. |
query_type | character(32) | The type of query, such as, SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, UNLOAD, COPY, COMMAND, DDL, UTILITY, CTAS, and OTHER. |
status | character(10) | The status of the query. Valid values: planning, queued, running, returning, failed, canceled, and success. |
result_cache_hit | Boolean | Indicates whether the query matches the result cache. |
start_time | timestamp | The time when the query began. |
end_time | timestamp | The time when the query completed. |
elapsed_time | bigint | The total amount of time (microseconds) spent on the query. |
queue_time | bigint | The total time (microseconds) spent on the service class query queue. |
execution_time | bigint | The total time (microseconds) running in the service class. |
error_message | character(512) | The reason a query failed. |
returned_rows | bigint | The number of rows returned to the client. |
returned_bytes | bigint | The number of bytes returned to the client. |
query_text | character(4000) | The query string. This string might be truncated. |
redshift_version | character(256) | The Amazon Redshift version when the query ran. |
usage_limit | character(150) | List of usage limit IDs reached by the query. |
compute_type | varchar(32) | Indicates whether the query runs on the main
cluster or concurrency scaling cluster. Possible values are
primary (query runs on the main cluster),
secondary (query runs on the secondary cluster), or
primary-scale (query runs on the concurrency
cluster). This is only applicable to provisioned cluster. |
compile_time | bigint | The total time (microseconds) spent on compilation of the query. |
planning_time | bigint | The total time (microseconds) spent on planning of the query. |
lock_wait_time | bigint | The total time (microseconds) spent on waiting for relation lock. |
service_class_id | integer | The service class's ID. For a list of service class IDs, go to WLM service class IDs. This column is only used for queries run on provisioned clusters. For queries run on Redshift Serverless, this column contains -1. |
service_class_name | character(64) | The service class name. This column is only used for queries run on provisioned clusters. For queries run on Amazon Redshift Redshift Serverless, this column is empty. |
query_priority | character(20) | The priority of the queue in which the query ran. Possible values are as follows:
NULL means that query priority isn't supported for the query. This column is only used for queries run on provisioned clusters. For queries run on Redshift Serverless, this column is empty. |
short_query_accelerated | character(10) | Whether the query was accelerated using short query acceleration (SQA). Possible values are as follows:
This column is only used for queries run on provisioned clusters. For queries run on Redshift Serverless, this column is empty. |
user_query_hash | character(40) | The query hash generated from the query, including its query literals. Repeated queries with the same query text will have the same user_query_hash values. |
generic_query_hash | character(40) | The query hash generated from the query, excluding its query literals. Repeated queries with the same query text, but different query literals, will have the same generic_query_hash values. |
query_hash_version | integer | The version number for the query hash generated from the query. |
result_cache_query_id | integer | If the query used result caching,
this field value is the query ID of the query that was the
source of the cached results. If result caching was not used,
this field value is |
Sample queries
The following query returns running and queued queries.
SELECT user_id, query_id, transaction_id, session_id, status, trim(database_name) AS database_name, start_time, end_time, result_cache_hit, elapsed_time, queue_time, execution_time FROM sys_query_history WHERE status IN ('running','queued') ORDER BY start_time;
Sample output.
user_id | query_id | transaction_id | session_id | status | database_name | start_time | end_time | result_cache_hit | elapsed_time | queue_time | execution_time ---------+----------+----------------+------------+---------+---------------+---------------------------+----------------------------+------------------+--------------+------------+---------------- 101 | 760705 | 852337 | 1073832321 | running | tpcds_1t | 2022-02-15 19:03:19.67849 | 2022-02-15 19:03:19.739811 | f | 61321 | 0 | 0
The following query returns the query start time, end time, queue time, elapsed time, planning time, and other metadata for a specific query.
SELECT user_id, query_id, transaction_id, session_id, status, trim(database_name) AS database_name, start_time, end_time, result_cache_hit, elapsed_time, queue_time, execution_time, planning_time, trim(query_text) as query_text FROM sys_query_history WHERE query_id = 3093;
Sample output.
user_id | query_id | transaction_id | session_id | status | database_name | start_time | end_time | result_cache_hit | elapsed_time | queue_time | execution_time | planning_time | query_text --------+----------+----------------+------------+------------+---------------+----------------------------+----------------------------+------------------+--------------+------------+----------------+---------------+------------------------------------- 106 | 3093 | 11759 | 1073750146 | success | dev | 2023-03-16 16:53:17.840214 | 2023-03-16 16:53:18.106588 | f | 266374 | 0 | 105725 | 136589 | select count(*) from item;
The following query lists the 10 most recent SELECT queries.
SELECT query_id, transaction_id, session_id, start_time, elapsed_time, queue_time, execution_time, returned_rows, returned_bytes FROM sys_query_history WHERE query_type = 'SELECT' ORDER BY start_time DESC limit 10;
Sample output.
query_id | transaction_id | session_id | start_time | elapsed_time | queue_time | execution_time | returned_rows | returned_bytes ----------+----------------+------------+----------------------------+--------------+------------+----------------+---------------+---------------- 526532 | 61093 | 1073840313 | 2022-02-09 04:43:24.149603 | 520571 | 0 | 481293 | 1 | 3794 526520 | 60850 | 1073840313 | 2022-02-09 04:38:27.24875 | 635957 | 0 | 596601 | 1 | 3679 526508 | 60803 | 1073840313 | 2022-02-09 04:37:51.118835 | 563882 | 0 | 503135 | 5 | 17216 526505 | 60763 | 1073840313 | 2022-02-09 04:36:48.636224 | 649337 | 0 | 589823 | 1 | 652 526478 | 60730 | 1073840313 | 2022-02-09 04:36:11.741471 | 14611321 | 0 | 14544058 | 0 | 0 526467 | 60636 | 1073840313 | 2022-02-09 04:34:11.91463 | 16711367 | 0 | 16633767 | 1 | 575 511617 | 617946 | 1074009948 | 2022-01-20 06:21:54.44481 | 9937090 | 0 | 9899271 | 100 | 12500 511603 | 617941 | 1074259415 | 2022-01-20 06:21:45.71744 | 8065081 | 0 | 7582500 | 100 | 8889 511595 | 617935 | 1074128320 | 2022-01-20 06:21:44.030876 | 1051270 | 0 | 1014879 | 1 | 72 511584 | 617931 | 1074030019 | 2022-01-20 06:21:42.764088 | 609033 | 0 | 485887 | 100 | 8438
The following query shows the daily select query count and average query elapsed time.
SELECT date_trunc('day',start_time) AS exec_day, status, COUNT(*) AS query_cnt, AVG(datediff (microsecond,start_time,end_time)) AS elapsed_avg FROM sys_query_history WHERE query_type = 'SELECT' AND start_time >= '2022-01-14' AND start_time <= '2022-01-18' GROUP BY exec_day, status ORDER BY exec_day, status;
Sample output.
exec_day | status | query_cnt | elapsed_avg ---------------------+---------+-----------+------------ 2022-01-14 00:00:00 | success | 5253 | 56608048 2022-01-15 00:00:00 | success | 7004 | 56995017 2022-01-16 00:00:00 | success | 5253 | 57016363 2022-01-17 00:00:00 | success | 5309 | 55236784 2022-01-18 00:00:00 | success | 8092 | 54355124
The following query shows the daily query elapsed time performance.
SELECT distinct date_trunc('day',start_time) AS exec_day, query_count.cnt AS query_count, Percentile_cont(0.5) within group(ORDER BY elapsed_time) OVER (PARTITION BY exec_day) AS P50_runtime, Percentile_cont(0.8) within group(ORDER BY elapsed_time) OVER (PARTITION BY exec_day) AS P80_runtime, Percentile_cont(0.9) within group(ORDER BY elapsed_time) OVER (PARTITION BY exec_day) AS P90_runtime, Percentile_cont(0.99) within group(ORDER BY elapsed_time) OVER (PARTITION BY exec_day) AS P99_runtime, Percentile_cont(1.0) within group(ORDER BY elapsed_time) OVER (PARTITION BY exec_day) AS max_runtime FROM sys_query_history LEFT JOIN (SELECT date_trunc('day',start_time) AS day, count(*) cnt FROM sys_query_history WHERE query_type = 'SELECT' GROUP by 1) query_count ON date_trunc('day',start_time) = WHERE query_type = 'SELECT' ORDER BY exec_day;
Sample output.
exec_day | query_count | p50_runtime | p80_runtime | p90_runtime | p99_runtime | max_runtime ---------------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+--------------+-------------- 2022-01-14 00:00:00 | 5253 | 16816922.0 | 69525096.0 | 158524917.8 | 486322477.52 | 1582078873.0 2022-01-15 00:00:00 | 7004 | 15896130.5 | 71058707.0 | 164314568.9 | 500331542.07 | 1696344792.0 2022-01-16 00:00:00 | 5253 | 15750451.0 | 72037082.2 | 159513733.4 | 480372059.24 | 1594793766.0 2022-01-17 00:00:00 | 5309 | 15394513.0 | 68881393.2 | 160254700.0 | 493372245.84 | 1521758640.0 2022-01-18 00:00:00 | 8092 | 15575286.5 | 68485955.4 | 154559572.5 | 463552685.39 | 1542783444.0 2022-01-19 00:00:00 | 5860 | 16648747.0 | 72470482.6 | 166485138.2 | 492038228.67 | 1693483241.0 2022-01-20 00:00:00 | 1751 | 15422072.0 | 69686381.0 | 162315385.0 | 497066615.00 | 1439319739.0 2022-02-09 00:00:00 | 13 | 6382812.0 | 17616161.6 | 21197988.4 | 23021343.84 | 23168439.0
The following query shows the query type distribution.
SELECT query_type, COUNT(*) AS query_count FROM sys_query_history GROUP BY query_type ORDER BY query_count DESC;
Sample output.
query_type | query_count ------------+------------- UTILITY | 134486 SELECT | 38537 DDL | 4832 OTHER | 768 LOAD | 768 CTAS | 748 COMMAND | 92
The following example shows the difference in query hash results between several queries. Observe the following queries:
CREATE TABLE test_table (col1 INT); INSERT INTO test_table VALUES (1),(2); SELECT * FROM test_table; SELECT * FROM test_table; SELECT col1 FROM test_table; SELECT * FROM test_table WHERE col1=1; SELECT * FROM test_table WHERE col1=2; SELECT query_id, TRIM(user_query_hash) AS user_query_hash, TRIM(generic_query_hash) AS generic_query_hash, TRIM(query_text) AS text FROM sys_query_history ORDER BY start_time DESC LIMIT 10;
Following is a sample output:
query_id | user_query_hash | generic_query_hash | text ---------+-----------------+--------------------+---------- 24723049 | oPuFtjEPLTs= | oPuFtjEPLTs= | select query_id, trim(user_query_hash) as user_query_hash, trim(generic_query_hash) as generic_query_hash, query_hash_version, trim(query_text) as text from sys_query_history order by start_time\r\ndesc limit 20 24723045 | Gw2Kwdd8m2I= | IwfRu8/XAKI= | select * from test_table where col1=2 limit 100 24723041 | LNw2vx0GDXo= | IwfRu8/XAKI= | select * from test_table where col1=1 limit 100 24723036 | H+qep/c82Y8= | H+qep/c82Y8= | select col1 from test_table limit 100 24723033 | H+qep/c82Y8= | H+qep/c82Y8= | select * from test_table limit 100 24723029 | H+qep/c82Y8= | H+qep/c82Y8= | select * from test_table limit 100 24723023 | 50sirx9E1hU= | uO36Z1a/QYs= | insert into test_table values (1),(2) 24723021 | YSVnlivZHeo= | YSVnlivZHeo= | create table test_table (col1 int)
SELECT * FROM test_table;
and SELECT col1 FROM test_table;
the same user_query_hash value, since test_table has only one column.
SELECT * FROM test_table WHERE col1=1;
SELECT * FROM test_table WHERE col1=2;
have different user_query_hash values,
but identical generic_query_hash values, since the two queries are
identical outside of the query literals 1 and 2.