SYS_VACUUM_HISTORY - Amazon Redshift


Use SYS_VACUUM_HISTORY to view details of vacuum queries. For information on the VACUUM command, see VACUUM.

SYS_VACUUM_HISTORY is visible to all users. Superusers can see all rows; regular users can see only their own data. For more information, see Visibility of data in system tables and views.

Table columns

Column name Data type Description
user_id integer The ID of the user who initiated the query.
transaction_id long The transaction ID for the VACUUM statement.
query_id long The query identifier for the VACUUM statement. You can join this table to the SYS_QUERY_DETAIL view to see the individual SQL statements that are run for a given VACUUM transaction. If you vacuum the whole database, each table is vacuumed in a separate transaction. For automated VACUUM operations, this value is null.
database_name text The name of the database.
schema_name text The name of the schema.
table_name text The name of the table.
table_id integer The ID of the table.
vacuum_type character The type of the VACUUM operation. Possible values are as follows:
  • Delete

  • Sort

  • Reindex

  • Recluster

  • Full

For more information on vacuum types, see VACUUM.

is_automatic boolean true if the operation is an automatic vacuum. Otherwise, false.
status character Description of the current activity being done as part of the vacuum operation:
  • Initialize

  • Sort

  • Merge

  • Delete

  • Select

  • Failed

  • Complete

  • Skipped

  • Building INTERLEAVED SORTKEY order

start_time timestamp The time the vacuum operation started.
end_time timestamp The time the vacuum operation ended. If the operation is ongoing, this field is blank.
record_time timestamp The time the vacuum operation was recorded in SYS_VACUUM_HISTORY.
duration integer The number of microseconds between the start and end of the vacuum operation. If the vacuum operation is ongoing, this field is blank.
rows_before_vacuum bigint The actual number of rows in the table plus any deleted rows that are still stored on disk (waiting to be vacuumed).
size_before_vacuum integer The size of the table before the vacuum operation began, in MB.
reclaimable_rows bigint The number of rows the vacuum operation estimates it will reclaim before starting.
reclaimed_rows bigint The number of rows the vacuum operation reclaimed.
reclaimed_blocks bigint The number of blocks the vacuum operation reclaimed.
sortedrows_before_vacuum integer The number of sorted rows in the table before the vacuum operation started.
sortedrows_after_vacuum integer The additional number of sorted rows in the table after the vacuum operation finished. This doesn't include the rows counted in sortedrows_before_vacuum.