MERGE - Amazon Redshift


Conditionally merges rows from a source table into a target table. Traditionally, this can only be achieved by using multiple insert, update or delete statements separately. For more information on the operations that MERGE lets you combine, see UPDATE, DELETE, and INSERT.


MERGE INTO target_table USING source_table [ [ AS ] alias ] ON match_condition [ WHEN MATCHED THEN { UPDATE SET col_name = { expr } [,...] | DELETE } WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT [ ( col_name [,...] ) ] VALUES ( { expr } [, ...] ) | REMOVE DUPLICATES ]



The temporary or permanent table that the MERGE statement merges into.


The temporary or permanent table supplying the rows to merge into target_table. source_table can also be a Spectrum table. source_table can't be a view or a subquery.


The temporary alternative name for source_table.

This parameter is optional. Preceding alias with AS is also optional.


Specifies equal predicates between the source table column and target table column that are used to determine whether the rows in source_table can be matched with rows in target_table. If the condition is met, MERGE runs matched_clause for that row. Otherwise MERGE runs not_matched_clause for that row.


Specifies the action to be run when the match condition between a source row and a target row evaluates to True. You can specify either an UPDATE action or a DELETE action.


Updates the matched row in target_table. Only values in the col_name you specify are updated.


Deletes the matched row in target_table.


Specifies the action to be run when the match condition is evaluated to False or Unknown. You can only specify the INSERT insert action for this clause.


Inserts one row into target_table. The target col_name can be listed in any order. If you don’t provide any col_name values, the default order is all the table’s columns in their declared order.


One or more column names that you want to modify. Don't include the table name when specifying the target column.


The expression defining the new value for col_name.


Specifies that the MERGE command runs in simplified mode. Simplified mode has the following requirements:

  • target_table and source_table must have the same number of columns and compatible column types.

  • Omit the WHEN clause and the UPDATE and INSERT clauses from your MERGE command.

  • Use the REMOVE DUPLICATES clause in your MERGE command.

In simplified mode, MERGE does the following:

  • Rows in target_table that have a match in source_table are updated to match the values in source_table.

  • Rows in source_table that don't have a match in target_table are inserted into target_table.

  • When multiple rows in target_table match the same row in source_table, the duplicate rows are removed. Amazon Redshift keeps one row and updates it. Duplicate rows that don’t match a row in source_table remain unchanged.

Using REMOVE DUPLICATES gives better performance than using WHEN MATCHED and WHEN NOT MATCHED. We recommend using REMOVE DUPLICATES if target_table and source_table are compatible and you don't need to preserve duplicate rows in target_table.

Usage notes

  • To run MERGE statements, you must be the owner of both source_table and target_table, or have the SELECT permission for those tables. Additionally, you must have UPDATE, DELETE, and INSERT permissions for target_table depending on the operations included in your MERGE statement.

  • target_table can't be a system table, catalog table, or external table.

  • source_table and target_table can't be the same table.

  • You can't use the WITH clause in a MERGE statement.

  • Rows in target_table can't match multiple rows in source_table.

    Consider the following example:

    CREATE TABLE target (id INT, name CHAR(10)); CREATE TABLE source (id INT, name CHAR(10)); INSERT INTO target VALUES (1, 'Bob'), (2, 'John'); INSERT INTO source VALUES (1, 'Tony'), (1, 'Alice'), (3, 'Bill'); MERGE INTO target USING source ON = WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET id =, name = WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT VALUES (,; ERROR: Found multiple matches to update the same tuple. MERGE INTO target USING source ON = WHEN MATCHED THEN DELETE WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT VALUES (,; ERROR: Found multiple matches to update the same tuple.

    In both MERGE statements, the operation fails because there are multiple rows in the source table with an ID value of 1.

  • match_condition and expr can't partially reference SUPER type columns. For example, if your SUPER type object is an array or a structure, you can't use individual elements of that column for match_condition or expr, but you can use the entire column.

    Consider the following example:

    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS target (key INT, value SUPER); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS source (key INT, value SUPER); INSERT INTO target VALUES (1, JSON_PARSE('{"key": 88}')); INSERT INTO source VALUES (1, ARRAY(1, 'John')), (2, ARRAY(2, 'Bill')); MERGE INTO target USING source ON target.key = source.key WHEN matched THEN UPDATE SET value = source.value[0] WHEN NOT matched THEN INSERT VALUES (source.key, source.value[0]); ERROR: Partial reference of SUPER column is not supported in MERGE statement.

    For more information on the SUPER type, see SUPER type.

  • If source_table is large, defining the join columns from both target_table and source_table as the distribution keys can improve performance.

  • To use the REMOVE DUPLICATES clause, you need SELECT, INSERT, and DELETE permissions for target_table.


The following example creates two tables, then runs a MERGE operation on them, updating matching rows in the target table and inserting rows that don't match. Then it inserts another value into the source table and runs another MERGE operation, this time deleting matching rows and inserting the new row from the source table.

First create and populate the source and target tables.

CREATE TABLE target (id INT, name CHAR(10)); CREATE TABLE source (id INT, name CHAR(10)); INSERT INTO target VALUES (101, 'Bob'), (102, 'John'), (103, 'Susan'); INSERT INTO source VALUES (102, 'Tony'), (103, 'Alice'), (104, 'Bill'); SELECT * FROM target; id | name -----+------------ 101 | Bob 102 | John 103 | Susan (3 rows) SELECT * FROM source; id | name -----+------------ 102 | Tony 103 | Alice 104 | Bill (3 rows)

Next, merge the source table into the target table, updating the target table with matching rows and insert rows from the source table that have no match.

MERGE INTO target USING source ON = WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET id =, name = WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT VALUES (,; SELECT * FROM target; id | name -----+------------ 101 | Bob 102 | Tony 103 | Alice 104 | Bill (4 rows)

Note that the rows with id values of 102 and 103 are updated to match the name values from the target table. Also, a new row with an id value of 104 and name value of Bill is inserted into the target table.

Next, insert a new row into the source table.

INSERT INTO source VALUES (105, 'David'); SELECT * FROM source; id | name -----+------------ 102 | Tony 103 | Alice 104 | Bill 105 | David (4 rows)

Finally, run a merge operation deleting matching rows in the target table, and inserting rows that don't match.

MERGE INTO target USING source ON = WHEN MATCHED THEN DELETE WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT VALUES (,; SELECT * FROM target; id | name -----+------------ 101 | Bob 105 | David (2 rows)

The rows with id values 102, 103, and 104 are deleted from the target table, and a new row with an id value of 105 and name value of David is inserted into the target table.

The following example shows a MERGE command using the REMOVE DUPLICATES clause.

CREATE TABLE target (id INT, name CHAR(10)); CREATE TABLE source (id INT, name CHAR(10)); INSERT INTO target VALUES (30, 'Tony'), (11, 'Alice'), (23, 'Bill'); INSERT INTO source VALUES (23, 'David'), (22, 'Clarence'); MERGE INTO target USING source ON = REMOVE DUPLICATES; SELECT * FROM target; id | name ---+------------ 30 | Tony 11 | Alice 23 | David 22 | Clarence (4 rows)

The following example shows a MERGE command using the REMOVE DUPLICATES clause, removing duplicate rows from target_table if they have matching rows in source_table.

CREATE TABLE target (id INT, name CHAR(10)); CREATE TABLE source (id INT, name CHAR(10)); INSERT INTO target VALUES (30, 'Tony'), (30, 'Daisy'), (11, 'Alice'), (23, 'Bill'), (23, 'Nikki'); INSERT INTO source VALUES (23, 'David'), (22, 'Clarence'); MERGE INTO target USING source ON = REMOVE DUPLICATES; SELECT * FROM target; id | name ---+------------ 30 | Tony 30 | Daisy 11 | Alice 23 | David 22 | Clarence (5 rows)

After MERGE runs, there's only one row with an ID value of 23 in target_table. Because there was no row in source_table with the ID value 30, the two duplicate rows with ID values of 30 remain in target_table.

See also