STL_LOAD_ERRORS - Amazon Redshift


Displays the records of all Amazon Redshift load errors.

STL_LOAD_ERRORS contains a history of all Amazon Redshift load errors. See Load error reference for a comprehensive list of possible load errors and explanations.

Query STL_LOADERROR_DETAIL for additional details, such as the exact data row and column where a parse error occurred, after you query STL_LOAD_ERRORS to find out general information about the error.

STL_LOAD_ERRORS is visible to all users. Superusers can see all rows; regular users can see only their own data. For more information, see Visibility of data in system tables and views.


STL_LOAD_ERRORS only contains queries run on main clusters. It doesn't contain queries run on concurrency scaling clusters. To access queries run on both main and concurrency scaling clusters, we recommend that you use the SYS monitoring view SYS_LOAD_ERROR_DETAIL . The data in the SYS monitoring view is formatted to be easier to use and understand.

Table columns

Column name Data type Description
userid integer ID of the user who generated the entry.
slice integer Slice where the error occurred.
tbl integer Table ID.
starttime timestamp Start time in UTC for the load.
session integer Session ID for the session performing the load.
query integer Query ID. The query column can be used to join other system tables and views.
filename character(256) Complete path to the input file for the load.
line_number bigint Line number in the load file with the error. For COPY from JSON, the line number of the last line of the JSON object with the error.
colname character(127) Field with the error.
type character(10) Data type of the field.
col_length character(10) Column length, if applicable. This field is populated when the data type has a limit length. For example, for a column with a data type of "character(3)", this column will contain the value "3".
position integer Position of the error in the field.
raw_line character(1024) Raw load data that contains the error. Multibyte characters in the load data are replaced with a period.
raw_field_value char(1024) The pre-parsing value for the field "colname" that lead to the parsing error.
err_code integer Error code.
err_reason character(100) Explanation for the error.
is_partial integer Value that if true (1) indicates the input file is split into ranges during a COPY operation. If this value is false (0), the input file isn't split.
start_offset bigint Value that, if the input file is split during a COPY operation, indicates the offset value of the split (in bytes). If the line number in the file is unknown, the line number is -1. If the file isn't split, this value is 0.
copy_job_id bigint The copy job identifier. A 0 indicates no job identifier.

Sample queries

The following query joins STL_LOAD_ERRORS to STL_LOADERROR_DETAIL to view the details errors that occurred during the most recent load.

select d.query, substring(d.filename,14,20), d.line_number as line, substring(d.value,1,16) as value, substring(le.err_reason,1,48) as err_reason from stl_loaderror_detail d, stl_load_errors le where d.query = le.query and d.query = pg_last_copy_id(); query | substring | line | value | err_reason -------+-------------------+------+----------+---------------------------- 558| allusers_pipe.txt | 251 | 251 | String contains invalid or unsupported UTF8 code 558| allusers_pipe.txt | 251 | ZRU29FGR | String contains invalid or unsupported UTF8 code 558| allusers_pipe.txt | 251 | Kaitlin | String contains invalid or unsupported UTF8 code 558| allusers_pipe.txt | 251 | Walter | String contains invalid or unsupported UTF8 code

The following example uses STL_LOAD_ERRORS with STV_TBL_PERM to create a new view, and then uses that view to determine what errors occurred while loading data into the EVENT table:

create view loadview as (select distinct tbl, trim(name) as table_name, query, starttime, trim(filename) as input, line_number, colname, err_code, trim(err_reason) as reason from stl_load_errors sl, stv_tbl_perm sp where sl.tbl =;

Next, the following query actually returns the last error that occurred while loading the EVENT table:

select table_name, query, line_number, colname, starttime, trim(reason) as error from loadview where table_name ='event' order by line_number limit 1;

The query returns the last load error that occurred for the EVENT table. If no load errors occurred, the query returns zero rows. In this example, the query returns a single error:

table_name | query | line_number | colname | error | starttime ------+-----+----+----+--------------------------------------------------------+---------------------- event | 309 | 0 | 5 | Error in Timestamp value or format [%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S] | 2014-04-22 15:12:44 (1 row)

In cases where the COPY command automatically splits large, uncompressed, text-delimited file data to facilitate parallelism, the line_number, is_partial, and start_offset columns show information pertaining to splits. (The line number can be unknown in cases where the line number from the original file is unavailable.)

--scan ranges information SELECT line_number, POSITION, btrim(raw_line), btrim(raw_field_value), btrim(err_reason), is_partial, start_offset FROM stl_load_errors WHERE query = pg_last_copy_id(); --result -1,51,"1008771|13463413|463414|2|28.00|38520.72|0.06|0.07|NO|1998-08-30|1998-09-25|1998-09-04|TAKE BACK RETURN|RAIL|ans cajole sly","NO","Char length exceeds DDL length",1,67108864