SVL_S3PARTITION - Amazon Redshift


Use the SVL_S3PARTITION view to get details about Amazon Redshift Spectrum partitions at the segment and node slice level.

SVL_S3PARTITION is visible to all users. Superusers can see all rows; regular users can see only their own data. For more information, see Visibility of data in system tables and views.


SVL_S3PARTITION only contains queries run on main clusters. It doesn't contain queries run on concurrency scaling clusters. To access queries run on both main and concurrency scaling clusters, we recommend that you use the SYS monitoring view SYS_EXTERNAL_QUERY_DETAIL . The data in the SYS monitoring view is formatted to be easier to use and understand.

Table columns

Column name Data type Description
query integer The query ID.
segment integer A segment number. A query consists of multiple segments, and each segment consists of one or more steps.
node integer The node number.
slice integer The data slice that a particular segment ran against.
starttime timestamp without time zone Time in UTC that the partition pruning started executing.
endtime timestamp without time zone Time in UTC that the partition pruning completed.
duration bigint Elapsed time (in microseconds).
total_partitions integer Number of total partitions.
qualified_partitions integer Number of qualified partitions.
assigned_partitions integer Number of assigned partitions on the slice.
assignment character Type of assignment.

Sample query

The following example gets the partition details for the last query completed.

SELECT query, segment, MIN(starttime) AS starttime, MAX(endtime) AS endtime, datediff(ms,MIN(starttime),MAX(endtime)) AS dur_ms, MAX(total_partitions) AS total_partitions, MAX(qualified_partitions) AS qualified_partitions, MAX(assignment) as assignment_type FROM svl_s3partition WHERE query=pg_last_query_id() GROUP BY query, segment
query | segment |           starttime           |           endtime           | dur_ms| total_partitions | qualified_partitions | assignment_type
99232 |       0 | 2018-04-17 22:43:50.201515    | 2018-04-17 22:43:54.674595  |  4473 |       2526       |        334           | p