Example for controlling user and group access - Amazon Redshift

Example for controlling user and group access

This example creates user groups and users and then grants them various permissions for an Amazon Redshift database that connects to a web application client. This example assumes three groups of users: regular users of a web application, power users of a web application, and web developers.

For information about how to remove a user from a group, see ALTER GROUP.

  1. Create the groups where the users will be assigned. The following set of commands creates three different user groups:

    create group webappusers; create group webpowerusers; create group webdevusers;
  2. Create several database users with different permissions and add them to the groups.

    1. Create two users and add them to the WEBAPPUSERS group:

      create user webappuser1 password 'webAppuser1pass' in group webappusers; create user webappuser2 password 'webAppuser2pass' in group webappusers;
    2. Create a web developer user and add it to the WEBDEVUSERS group:

      create user webdevuser1 password 'webDevuser2pass' in group webdevusers;
    3. Create a superuser. This user will have administrative rights to create other users:

      create user webappadmin password 'webAppadminpass1' createuser;
  3. Create a schema to be associated with the database tables used by the web application, and grant the various user groups access to this schema:

    1. Create the WEBAPP schema:

      create schema webapp;
    2. Grant USAGE permissions to the WEBAPPUSERS group:

      grant usage on schema webapp to group webappusers;
    3. Grant USAGE permissions to the WEBPOWERUSERS group:

      grant usage on schema webapp to group webpowerusers;
    4. Grant ALL permissions to the WEBDEVUSERS group:

      grant all on schema webapp to group webdevusers;

    The basic users and groups are now set up. You can now alter the users and groups.

  4. For example, the following command alters the search_path parameter for the WEBAPPUSER1.

    alter user webappuser1 set search_path to webapp, public;

    The SEARCH_PATH specifies the schema search order for database objects, such as tables and functions, when the object is referenced by a simple name with no schema specified.

  5. You can also add users to a group after creating the group, such as adding WEBAPPUSER2 to the WEBPOWERUSERS group:

    alter group webpowerusers add user webappuser2;