Scheduling Amazon Redshift Data API operations with Amazon EventBridge - Amazon Redshift

Scheduling Amazon Redshift Data API operations with Amazon EventBridge

You can create rules that match selected events and route them to targets to take action. You can also use rules to take action on a predetermined schedule. For more information, see the Amazon EventBridge User Guide.

To schedule Data API operations with EventBridge, the associated IAM role must trust the principal for CloudWatch Events ( This role should have the equivalent of the managed policy AmazonEventBridgeFullAccess attached. It should also have AmazonRedshiftDataFullAccess policy permissions that are managed by the Data API. You can create an IAM role with these permissions on the IAM console. When creating a role on the IAM console, choose the AWS service trusted entity for CloudWatch Events. Specify the IAM role in the RoleArn JSON value in the EventBridge target. For more information about creating an IAM role, see Creating a Role for an AWS Service (Console) in the IAM User Guide.

The name of the rule that you create in Amazon EventBridge must match the StatementName in the RedshiftDataParameters.

The following examples show variations of creating EventBridge rules with a single or multiple SQL statements and with an Amazon Redshift cluster or an Amazon Redshift Serverless workgroup as the data warehouse.

The following example uses the AWS CLI to create an EventBridge rule that is used to run a SQL statement against an Amazon Redshift cluster.

aws events put-rule --name test-redshift-cluster-data --schedule-expression "rate(1 minute)"

Then an EventBridge target is created to run on the schedule specified in the rule.

aws events put-targets --cli-input-json file://data.json

The input data.json file is as follows. The Sql JSON key indicates there is a single SQL statement. The Arn JSON value contains a cluster identifier. The RoleArn JSON value contains the IAM role used to run the SQL as described previously.

{ "Rule": "test-redshift-cluster-data", "EventBusName": "default", "Targets": [ { "Id": "2", "Arn": "arn:aws:redshift:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster:mycluster", "RoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/Administrator", "RedshiftDataParameters": { "Database": "dev", "DbUser": "root", "Sql": "select 1;", "StatementName": "test-redshift-cluster-data", "WithEvent": true } } ] }

The following example uses the AWS CLI to create an EventBridge rule that is used to run a SQL statement against an Amazon Redshift Serverless workgroup.

aws events put-rule --name test-redshift-serverless-workgroup-data --schedule-expression "rate(1 minute)"

Then an EventBridge target is created to run on the schedule specified in the rule.

aws events put-targets --cli-input-json file://data.json

The input data.json file is as follows. The Sql JSON key indicates there is a single SQL statement. The Arn JSON value contains a workgroup name. The RoleArn JSON value contains the IAM role used to run the SQL as described previously.

{ "Rule": "test-redshift-serverless-workgroup-data", "EventBusName": "default", "Targets": [ { "Id": "2", "Arn": "arn:aws:redshift-serverless:us-east-1:123456789012:workgroup/a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE11111", "RoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/Administrator", "RedshiftDataParameters": { "Database": "dev", "Sql": "select 1;", "StatementName": "test-redshift-serverless-workgroup-data", "WithEvent": true } } ] }

The following example uses the AWS CLI to create an EventBridge rule that is used to run multiple SQL statements against an Amazon Redshift cluster.

aws events put-rule --name test-redshift-cluster-data --schedule-expression "rate(1 minute)"

Then an EventBridge target is created to run on the schedule specified in the rule.

aws events put-targets --cli-input-json file://data.json

The input data.json file is as follows. The Sqls JSON key indicates there are multiple SQL statements. The Arn JSON value contains a cluster identifier. The RoleArn JSON value contains the IAM role used to run the SQL as described previously.

{ "Rule": "test-redshift-cluster-data", "EventBusName": "default", "Targets": [ { "Id": "2", "Arn": "arn:aws:redshift:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster:mycluster", "RoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/Administrator", "RedshiftDataParameters": { "Database": "dev", "Sqls": ["select 1;", "select 2;", "select 3;"], "StatementName": "test-redshift-cluster-data", "WithEvent": true } } ] }

The following example uses the AWS CLI to create an EventBridge rule that is used to run multiple SQL statements against an Amazon Redshift Serverless workgroup.

aws events put-rule --name test-redshift-serverless-workgroup-data --schedule-expression "rate(1 minute)"

Then an EventBridge target is created to run on the schedule specified in the rule.

aws events put-targets --cli-input-json file://data.json

The input data.json file is as follows. The Sqls JSON key indicates there are multiple SQL statements. The Arn JSON value contains a workgroup name. The RoleArn JSON value contains the IAM role used to run the SQL as described previously.

{ "Rule": "test-redshift-serverless-workgroup-data", "EventBusName": "default", "Targets": [ { "Id": "2", "Arn": "arn:aws:redshift-serverless:us-east-1:123456789012:workgroup/a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE11111", "RoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/Administrator", "RedshiftDataParameters": { "Database": "dev", "Sqls": ["select 1;", "select 2;", "select 3;"], "StatementName": "test-redshift-serverless-workgroup-data", "WithEvent": true } } ] }