JDBC and ODBC Options for Creating Database User Credentials - Amazon Redshift

JDBC and ODBC Options for Creating Database User Credentials

To use the Amazon Redshift JDBC or ODBC driver to create database user credentials, provide the database user name as a JDBC or ODBC option. Optionally, you can have the driver create a new database user if one doesn't exist, and you can specify a list of database user groups the user joins at login.

If you use an identity provider (IdP), work with your IdP administrator to determine the correct values for these options. Your IdP administrator can also configure your IdP to provide these options, in which case you don't need to provide them as JDBC or ODBC options. For more information, see Configure SAML assertions for your IdP.


If you use an IAM policy variable ${redshift:DbUser}, as described in Resource policies for GetClusterCredentials the value for DbUser is replaced with the value retrieved by the API operation's request context. The Amazon Redshift drivers use the value for the DbUser variable provided by the connection URL, rather than the value supplied as a SAML attribute.

To help secure this configuration, we recommend that you use a condition in an IAM policy to validate the DbUser value with the RoleSessionName. You can find examples of how to set a condition using an IAM policy in Example policy for using GetClusterCredentials.

The following table lists the options for creating database user credentials.



The name of a database user. If a user named DbUser exists in the database, the temporary user credentials have the same permissions as the existing user. If DbUser doesn't exist in the database and AutoCreate is true, a new user named DbUser is created. Optionally, disable the password for an existing user. For more information, see ALTER_USER


Specify true to create a database user with the name specified for DbUser if one does not exist. The default is false.

DbGroups A comma-delimited list of the names of one or more existing database groups the database user joins for the current session. By default, the new user is added only to PUBLIC.