Granting access to a VPC - Amazon Redshift

Granting access to a VPC

If the VPC that you want to access your cluster or workgroup is in another AWS account, make sure to authorize it from the owner's (grantor's) account.

To allow a VPC in another AWS account to have access to your cluster or workgroup
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Redshift console at

  2. On the navigation menu, choose Clusters. For Amazon Redshift Serverless, choose Serverless dashboard.

  3. For a cluster that you want to allow access to, view the details by choosing the cluster name. Choose the Properties tab of the cluster.

    The Granted accounts section displays the accounts and corresponding VPCs that have access to your cluster. For an Amazon Redshift Serverless workgroup, choose the workgroup. Granted accounts are available under the Data access tab.

  4. Choose Grant access to display a form to enter Grantee information to add an account.

  5. For AWS account ID, enter the ID of the account you are granting access. You can grant access to specific VPCs or all VPCs in the specified account.

  6. Choose Grant access to grant access.