Connect to a cluster with Amazon Redshift RSQL - Amazon Redshift

Connect to a cluster with Amazon Redshift RSQL

Connecting without a DSN

  1. On the Amazon Redshift console, choose the cluster you want to connect to and note the endpoint, database, and port.

  2. At a command prompt, specify the connection information by using command-line parameters.

    rsql -h <endpoint> -U <username> -d <databasename> -p <port>

    Here, the following apply:

    • <endpoint> is the Endpoint you recorded in the previous step.

    • <username> is the name of a user with permissions to connect to the cluster.

    • <databasename> is the Database Name you recorded in the previous step.

    • <port> is the Port you recorded in the previous step. <port> is an optional parameter.

    An example follows.

    rsql -h -U user1 -d dev -p 5439
  3. At the password prompt, enter the password for the <username> user.

    A successful connection response looks like the following.

    % rsql -h -d dev -U user1 -p 5349 Password for user user1: DSN-less Connected DBMS Name: Amazon Redshift Driver Name: Amazon Redshift ODBC Driver Driver Version: Rsql Version: 1.0.1 Redshift Version: 1.0.29306 Type "help" for help. (testcluster) user1@dev=#

The command to connect has the same parameters on Linux, Mac OS, and Windows.

Connecting using a DSN

You can connect RSQL to Amazon Redshift by using a data source name (DSN) to simplify the organization of connection properties. For more information, see Configuring connection features. This topic includes instructions for ODBC-driver installation and descriptions for DSN properties. For example, the following section, Install and configure the Amazon Redshift ODBC driver on Microsoft Windows, shows how to connect with a DSN using Windows.

Using a DSN connection with a password

The following shows an example of a DSN-connection configuration that uses a password. The default <path to driver> for Mac OSX is /opt/amazon/redshift/lib/libamazonredshiftodbc.dylib and for Linux is /opt/amazon/redshiftodbc/lib/64/

[testuser] Driver=/opt/amazon/redshiftodbc/lib/64/ SSLMode=verify-ca Min_TLS=1.2 boolsaschar=0 Host=<server endpoint> Port=<database port> Database=<dbname> UID=<username> PWD=<password> sslmode=prefer

The following output results from a successful connection.

% rsql -D testuser DSN Connected DBMS Name: Amazon Redshift Driver Name: Amazon Redshift ODBC Driver Driver Version: Rsql Version: 1.0.1 Redshift Version: 1.0.29306 Type "help" for help. (testcluster) user1@dev=#

Using Single sign-on DSN

You can configure a DSN for single sign-on authentication. The following shows an example of a DSN-connection configuration that uses Okta single sign on.

[testokta] Driver=<path to driver> SSLMode=verify-ca Min_TLS=1.2 boolsaschar=0 Host=<server endpoint> clusterid=<cluster id> region=<region name> Database=<dbname> locale=en-US iam=1 plugin_name=<plugin name> uid=<okta username> pwd=<okta password> idp_host=<idp endpoint> app_id=<app id> app_name=<app name> preferred_role=<role arn>

Sample output from a successful connection.

% rsql -D testokta DSN Connected DBMS Name: Amazon Redshift Driver Name: Amazon Redshift ODBC Driver Driver Version: Rsql Version: 1.0.1 Redshift Version: 1.0.29306 Type "help" for help. (testcluster) user1@dev=#

The following example shows an example of a DSN-connection configuration that uses Azure single sign on.

[testazure] Driver=<path to driver> SSLMode=verify-ca Min_TLS=1.2 boolsaschar=0 Host=<server endpoint> Port=<cluster port> clusterid=<cluster id> region=<region name> Database=<dbname> locale=en-us iam=1 plugin_name=<plugin name> uid=<azure username> pwd=<azure password> idp_tenant=<Azure idp tenant uuid> client_id=<Azure idp client uuid> client_secret=<Azure idp client secret>

Using a DSN connection with an IAM profile

You can connect to Amazon Redshift using your configured IAM profile. The IAM profile must have privileges to call GetClusterCredentials. The following example shows the DSN properties to use. The ClusterID and Region parameters are required only if the Host is not an Amazon provided endpoint like

[testiam] Driver=Default Database=dev DbUser=testuser ClusterID=rsqltestcluster Region=us-east-1 IAM=1 Profile=default

The value for the Profile key is the named profile you choose from your AWS CLI credentials. This example shows the credentials for the profile named default.

$ cat .aws/credentials [default] aws_access_key_id = ASIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE aws_secret_access_key = wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY

The following shows the connection response.

$ rsql -D testiam DSN Connected DBMS Name: Amazon Redshift Driver Name: Amazon Redshift ODBC Driver Driver Version: Rsql Version: 1.0.1 Redshift Version: 1.0.29306 Type "help" for help. (testcluster) testuser@dev=>

Using a DSN connection with an Instance profile

You can connect to Amazon Redshift using your Amazon EC2 instance profile. The instance profile must have privileges to call GetClusterCredentials. See example below for the DSN properties to use. The ClusterID and Region parameters are required only if the Host is not an Amazon provided endpoint like

[testinstanceprofile] Driver=Default Database=dev DbUser=testuser ClusterID=rsqltestcluster Region=us-east-1 IAM=1 Instanceprofile=1

The following shows the connection response.

$ rsql -D testinstanceprofile DSN Connected DBMS Name: Amazon Redshift Driver Name: Amazon Redshift ODBC Driver Driver Version: Rsql Version: 1.0.1 Redshift Version: 1.0.29306 Type "help" for help. (testcluster) testuser@dev=>

Using a DSN connection with the default credential provider chain

To connect using the default credential provider chain, specify only the IAM property, and Amazon Redshift RSQL will attempt to acquire credentials in the order described in Working with AWS Credentials in the AWS SDK for Java. At least one of the providers in the chain must have GetClusterCredentials permission. This is useful for connecting from ECS containers, for example.

[iamcredentials] Driver=Default Database=dev DbUser=testuser ClusterID=rsqltestcluster Region=us-east-1 IAM=1