Programming the Amazon Rekognition Face Liveness APIs
To use the Amazon Rekognition Face Liveness API, you must create a backend that carries out the following steps:
Call CreateFaceLivenessSession to initiate a Face Liveness session. When the
operation is completed, the UI prompts the user to submit a video selfie. The AWS Amplify’s FaceLivenessDetector component then calls StartFaceLivenessSession to perform Liveness detection. -
Call GetFaceLivenessSessionResults to return the detection results associated with a Face Liveness session.
Proceed to configure your React application to use the FaceLivenessDetector component by following the steps at the Amplify Liveness guide
Before using Face Liveness, make sure that you have created an AWS Account, set up the
AWS CLI and AWS SDKs, and set up AWS Amplify. You should also ensure the IAM policy
for your backend API has permissions that cover the following:
, and
. See the Prerequisites
section for more information.
Step 1: CreateFaceLivenessSession
CreateFaceLivenessSession API operation creates a Face Liveness session and
returns a unique SessionId
As part of the input for this operation, it is also possible to specify an Amazon S3 bucket location. This allows the storage of a reference image and audit images generated during the Face Liveness session. The Amazon S3 bucket must be located in the caller's AWS account and in the same region as the Face Liveness endpoint. Additionally, the S3 object keys are generated by the Face Liveness system.
It is also possible to provide an AuditImagesLimit
, which is a number
between 0 and 4. By default, it is set to 0. The number of images returned is best
effort and based on the duration of the selfie-video.
Request Example
{ "ClientRequestToken": "my_default_session", "Settings": { "OutputConfig": { "S3Bucket": "s3bucket", "S3KeyPrefix": "s3prefix" }, "AuditImagesLimit": 1 } }
Response Example
{ {"SessionId": "0f959dbb-37cc-45d8-a08d-dc42cce85fa8"} }
Step 2: StartFaceLivenessSession
When the CreateFaceLivenessSession API operation finishes, the AWS Amplify component performs the StartFaceLivenessSession API operation. The user is prompted to capture a video selfie. For a successful check, the user must position their face within the onscreen oval while maintaining good lighting. For more information, see Recommendations for Usage of Face Liveness.
This API operation requires the video captured during the Face Liveness session,
the sessionId obtained from the CreateFaceLivenessSession API operation, and an
callback. The callback can be used to signal the
backend to call the GetFaceLivenessSessionResults API operation, which returns a
confidence score, reference, and audit images.
Note that this step is performed by the AWS Amplify FaceLivenessDetector component
on the client application. You do not need to do additional setup to call
Step 3: GetFaceLivenessSessionResults
The GetFaceLivenessSessionResults API operation retrieves the results of a specific Face Liveness session. It requires the sessionId as input and returns the corresponding Face Liveness confidence score. It also provides a reference image that includes a face bounding box, and audit images that also contain face bounding boxes. The Face Liveness confidence score ranges from 0–100.
Request Example
{"SessionId": "0f959dbb-37cc-45d8-a08d-dc42cce85fa8"}
Response Example
{ "SessionId": "0f959dbb-37cc-45d8-a08d-dc42cce85fa8", "Confidence": 98.9735, "ReferenceImage": { "S3Object": { "Bucket": "s3-bucket-name", "Name": "file-name", }, "BoundingBox": { "Height": 0.4943420886993408, "Left": 0.8435328006744385, "Top": 0.8435328006744385, "Width": 0.9521094560623169} }, "AuditImages": [{ "S3Object": { "Bucket": "s3-bucket-name", "Name": "audit-image-name", }, "BoundingBox": { "Width": 0.6399999856948853, "Height": 0.47999998927116394, "Left": 0.1644444465637207, "Top": 0.17666666209697723} }], "Status": "SUCCEEDED" }
Step 4: Respond to results
After the Face Liveness session, compare the check's confidence score against the specified threshold. If the score is higher than the threshold, the user can go to the next screen or task. If the check fails, the user will be notified and prompted to try again.