Create external resources - Research and Engineering Studio

Create external resources

This CloudFormation stack creates networking, storage, active directory, and domain certificates (if a PortalDomainName is provided). You must have these external resources available to deploy the product.

You may download the recipes template before deployment.

Time to deploy: Approximately 40-90 minutes

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS CloudFormation console at


    Make sure you are in your administrator account.

  2. Launch the template in the console.

    If you are deploying in the AWS GovCloud (US-West) Region, launch the template in the GovCloud partition account.

  3. Enter the template parameters:

    Parameter Default Description
    DomainName Domain used for the active directory. The default value is supplied in the LDIF file which sets up bootstrap users. If you would like to use the default users, leave the value as default. To change the value, update and provide a separate LDIF file. This does not need to match the domain used for active directory.
    SubDomain (GovCloud only)

    This parameter is optional for commercial regions, but required for GovCloud regions.

    If you provide a SubDomain, the parameter will be prefixed to the DomainName provided. The provided Active Directory domain name will become a subdomain.


    The password for the active directory administrator (username Admin). This user is created in the active directory for the initial bootstrapping phase and is not used after.

    Important: the format of this field can either be (1) a plain text password or (2) the ARN of an AWS Secret formatted as a key/value pair {"password":"somepassword"}.

    Note: The password for this user must meet the password complexity requirements for active directory.


    Password used to create a service account (ReadOnlyUser). This account is used for synchronization.

    Important: the format of this field can either be (1) a plain text password or (2) the ARN of an AWS Secret formatted as a key/value pair {"password":"somepassword"}.

    Note: The password for this user must meet the password complexity requirements for active directory.


    Connects the administrative instances using an SSH client.

    Note: AWS Systems Manager Session Manager can also be used to connect to instances.

    LDIFS3Path aws-hpc-recipes/main/recipes/res/res_demo_env/assets/res.ldif The Amazon S3 path to an LDIF file imported during the bootstrapping phase of active directory setup. For more information, see LDIF Support. The parameter pre-populates with a file that creates a number of users in the active directory.

    To view the file, see the res.ldif file available in GitHub.

    ClientIpCidr The IP address from which you will access the site. For example, you can select your IP address and use [IPADDRESS]/32 to only allow access from your host. You can update this post-deployment.
    ClientPrefixList Enter a prefix list to provide access to the active directory management nodes. For information on creating a managed prefix list, see Work with customer-managed prefix lists.
    EnvironmentName res-[environment name] If the PortalDomainName is provided, this parameter is used to add tags to the secrets generated so that they can be used within the environment. This will need to match the EnvironmentName parameter used when creating the RES stack. If you are deploying multiple environments in your account, this will need to be unique.

    For GovCloud deployments, do not enter this parameter. The certificates and secrets were manually created during the prerequisites.

    The domain name in Amazon RouteĀ 53 for the account. If this is provided, then a public certificate and key file will be generated and uploaded to AWS Secrets Manager. If you have your own domain and certificates, this parameter and EnvironmentName can be left blank.
  4. Acknowledge all checkboxes in Capabilities, and choose Create stack.