You can view the Resiliency score of your application by choosing Dashboard or Applications from the navigation menu.
Accessing the Resiliency score from Dashboard
In the left navigation menu, choose Dashboard.
In Application resiliency score over time, choose one or more applications in the Choose up to 4 applications dropdown list.
The Resiliency score chart displays the resiliency score for all the chosen applications.
Accessing the Resiliency score from Applications
In the left navigation menu, choose Applications.
In Applications, open an application.
Choose Summary.
The Resiliency score chart displays the trend of your application's resiliency score for up to one year. AWS Resilience Hub displays action items, resiliency policy breaches, and operational recommendations that need to be addressed for improving and achieving the maximum possible resiliency score using the following:
To view the action items that need to be completed for improving and achieving the maximum possible resiliency score, choose Action items tab. When selected, AWS Resilience Hub displays the following:
RTO/RPO – Indicates the number of recovery times (RTO/RPOs) that need to be fixed to resolve the breaches in your application's resiliency policy. Choose the value to view the RTO/RPO details in the assessment report of your application.
Alarms – Indicates the number of recommended Amazon CloudWatch alarms that need to be implemented in your application. Choose the value to view the Amazon CloudWatch alarms that need to be fixed in the assessment report of your application.
SOPs – Indicates the number of recommended SOPs that need to be implemented in your application. Choose the value to view the SOPs that need to be fixed in the assessment report of your application.
FIS – Indicates the number of recommended tests that need to be implemented in your application. Choose the value to view the tests that need to be fixed in the assessment report of your application.
To view the score of each component that affects your resiliency score, choose Score breakdown. When selected, AWS Resilience Hub displays the following:
RTO/RPO compliance – Indicates how compliant the Applications Components (AppComponents) are with the estimated workload recovery times, and the target recovery times that are defined in your application’s resiliency policy. Choose the value to view the RTO/RPO estimations in the assessment report of your application.
Alarms implemented – Indicates the actual contribution of the implemented Amazon CloudWatch alarms compared to its maximum possible contribution towards the resiliency score of your application. Choose the value to view the implemented Amazon CloudWatch alarms in the assessment report of your application.
SOPs implemented – Indicates the actual contribution of the implemented SOPs compared to its maximum possible contribution towards the resiliency score of your application. Choose the value to view the implemented SOPs in the assessment report of your application.
FIS experiments implemented – Indicates the actual contribution of the implemented tests compared to its maximum possible contribution towards the resiliency score of your application. Choose the value to view the implemented tests in the assessment report of your application.
To view the resiliency policy breaches and operational recommendations, choose the right arrow to expand the Policy breach and operational recommendations breakdown section. When expanded, AWS Resilience Hub displays the following:
Resiliency policy breaches – Indicates the number of Application Components that breaches your application's resiliency policy. Choose the value next to RTO/RPO to view the details in the Resiliency recommendations tab of your application's assessment report.
Operational recommendations – Indicates the operational recommendations that have not been implemented or executed to enhance the resiliency of your application using Outstanding and Excluded tabs. Operational recommendations include all the recommendations that are inactive and the ones that have not been implemented.
To view the operational recommendations that need to be implemented, choose Outstanding tab. When selected, AWS Resilience Hub displays the following:
Alarms – Indicates the number of recommended Amazon CloudWatch alarms that need to be implemented.
SOPs – Indicates the number of recommended SOPs that need to be implemented.
FIS – Indicates the number of recommended tests that need to be implemented.
To view the operational recommendations that are excluded from your application, choose Excluded tab. When selected AWS Resilience Hub displays the following:
Alarms – Indicates the number of recommended Amazon CloudWatch alarms that are excluded from your application.
SOPs – Indicates the number of recommended SOPs that are excluded from your application.
FIS – Indicates the number of recommended tests that are excluded from your application.