Granting AWS Resilience Hub access to resources in your Amazon EKS cluster - AWS Resilience Hub

Granting AWS Resilience Hub access to resources in your Amazon EKS cluster

AWS Resilience Hub allows you to access resources located on Amazon EKS clusters provided you have configured the required permissions.

To grant required permissions to AWS Resilience Hub for discovering and assessing resources within Amazon EKS cluster
  1. Configure an IAM role to access Amazon EKS cluster.

    If you have configured your application using role-based access, you can skip this step and proceed to step 2 and use the role that you had used for creating the application. For more information about how AWS Resilience Hub uses IAM roles, see How AWS Resilience Hub works with IAM.

    If you have configured your application using current IAM user permissions, you must create AwsResilienceHubAssessmentEKSAccessRole IAM role in the same account as that of the Amazon EKS cluster. This IAM role will then be used while accessing your Amazon EKS cluster.

    While importing and assessing your application, AWS Resilience Hub uses an IAM role to access the resources in your Amazon EKS cluster. This role should be created in the same account as your Amazon EKS cluster and it will be mapped with a Kubernetes group that includes the permissions required by AWS Resilience Hub to assess your Amazon EKS cluster.

    If your Amazon EKS cluster is in the same account as the AWS Resilience Hub calling account, the role should be created using the following IAM trust policy. In this IAM trust policy, caller_IAM_role is used in the current account to call the APIs for AWS Resilience Hub.


    The caller_IAM_role is the role that is associated with your AWS user account.

    { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::eks_cluster_account_id:role/caller_IAM_role" }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole" } ] }

    If your Amazon EKS cluster is in a cross account (a different account than the AWS Resilience Hub calling account), you must create the AwsResilienceHubAssessmentEKSAccessRole IAM role using the following IAM trust policy:


    As a prerequisite, to access Amazon EKS cluster that is deployed in a different account than the AWS Resilience Hub user’s account, you must configure multi-account access. For more information, see

    { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::eks_cluster_account_id:role/AwsResilienceHubExecutorRole" }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole" } ] }
  2. Create ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding (or RoleBinding) roles for AWS Resilience Hub application.

    Creating ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding will grant the required read-only permissions for AWS Resilience Hub to analyze and assess resources that are a part of the certain namespaces in your Amazon EKS cluster.

    AWS Resilience Hub enables you to limit its access to your namespaces for generating resiliency assessments by completing one of the following:

    1. Grant read access across all namespaces to AWS Resilience Hub application.

      For AWS Resilience Hub to assess the resiliency of resources across all the namespaces within an Amazon EKS cluster, you must create the following ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding.

      • resilience-hub-eks-access-cluster-role (ClusterRole) – Defines the permissions required by AWS Resilience Hub to assess your Amazon EKS cluster.

      • resilience-hub-eks-access-cluster-role-binding (ClusterRoleBinding) – Defines a group named resilience-hub-eks-access-group in your Amazon EKS cluster granting its users, the required permissions to run resiliency assessments in AWS Resilience Hub.

      The template to grant read access across all namespaces to AWS Resilience Hub application is as follows:

      cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: resilience-hub-eks-access-cluster-role rules: - apiGroups: - "" resources: - pods - replicationcontrollers - nodes verbs: - get - list - apiGroups: - apps resources: - deployments - replicasets verbs: - get - list - apiGroups: - policy resources: - poddisruptionbudgets verbs: - get - list - apiGroups: - resources: - verticalpodautoscalers verbs: - get - list - apiGroups: - autoscaling resources: - horizontalpodautoscalers verbs: - get - list - apiGroups: - resources: - provisioners verbs: - get - list - apiGroups: - resources: - awsnodetemplates verbs: - get - list --- apiVersion: kind: ClusterRoleBinding metadata: name: resilience-hub-eks-access-cluster-role-binding subjects: - kind: Group name: resilience-hub-eks-access-group apiGroup: roleRef: kind: ClusterRole name: resilience-hub-eks-access-cluster-role apiGroup: --- EOF
    2. Granting AWS Resilience Hub the access to read specific namespaces.

      You can limit AWS Resilience Hub to access resources within a specific set of namespaces using RoleBinding. To achieve this, you must create the following roles:

      • ClusterRole – For AWS Resilience Hub to access the resources in specific namespaces within an Amazon EKS cluster and assess its resiliency, you must create the following ClusterRole roles.

        • resilience-hub-eks-access-cluster-role – Specifies the necessary permissions to assess the resources within specific namespaces.

        • resilience-hub-eks-access-global-cluster-role – Specifies the necessary permissions to assess cluster-scoped resources, which are not associated to a specific namespace, within your Amazon EKS clusters. AWS Resilience Hub requires permissions to access cluster-scoped resources (such as nodes) on your Amazon EKS cluster to assess the resiliency of your application.

        The template to create ClusterRole role is as follows:

        cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: resilience-hub-eks-access-cluster-role rules: - apiGroups: - "" resources: - pods - replicationcontrollers verbs: - get - list - apiGroups: - apps resources: - deployments - replicasets verbs: - get - list - apiGroups: - policy resources: - poddisruptionbudgets verbs: - get - list - apiGroups: - resources: - verticalpodautoscalers verbs: - get - list - apiGroups: - autoscaling resources: - horizontalpodautoscalers verbs: - get - list --- apiVersion: kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: resilience-hub-eks-access-global-cluster-role rules: - apiGroups: - "" resources: - nodes verbs: - get - list - apiGroups: - resources: - provisioners verbs: - get - list - apiGroups: - resources: - awsnodetemplates verbs: - get - list --- EOF
      • RoleBinding role – This role grants the required permissions for AWS Resilience Hub to access resources within specific namespaces. That is, you must create RoleBinding role in each namespace to enable AWS Resilience Hub to access resources within the given namespace.


        If you are using ClusterAutoscaler for autoscaling, you must additionally create RoleBinding in the kube-system. This is necessary to assess your ClusterAutoscaler, which is a part of the kube-system namespace.

        By doing this, you will grant AWS Resilience Hub the required permissions to assess resources inside the kube-system namespace while assessing your Amazon EKS cluster.

        The template to create RoleBinding role is as follows:

        cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: kind: RoleBinding metadata: name: resilience-hub-eks-access-cluster-role-binding namespace: <namespace> subjects: - kind: Group name: resilience-hub-eks-access-group apiGroup: roleRef: kind: ClusterRole name: resilience-hub-eks-access-cluster-role apiGroup: --- EOF
      • ClusterRoleBinding role – This role grants the required permissions for AWS Resilience Hub to access cluster-scoped resources.

        The template to create ClusterRoleBinding role is as follows:

        cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f - --- apiVersion: kind: ClusterRoleBinding metadata: name: resilience-hub-eks-access-global-cluster-role-binding subjects: - kind: Group name: resilience-hub-eks-access-group apiGroup: roleRef: kind: ClusterRole name: resilience-hub-eks-access-global-cluster-role apiGroup: --- EOF
  3. Update the aws-auth ConfigMap to map the resilience-hub-eks-access-group with the IAM role that is used for accessing Amazon EKS cluster.

    This step creates a mapping between the IAM role used in step 1 with the Kubernetes group created in step 2. This mapping grants permissions to IAM roles for accessing resources inside the Amazon EKS cluster.

    • ROLE-NAME refers to the IAM role that is used for accessing Amazon EKS cluster.

      • If your application is configured to use role-based access, the role should be either the invoker role or secondary account role that is passed to AWS Resilience Hub while creating the application.

      • If your application is configured to use the current IAM user for accessing resources, it must be the AwsResilienceHubAssessmentEKSAccessRole.

    • ACCOUNT-ID should be the AWS account ID of the Amazon EKS cluster.

    You can create the aws-auth ConfigMap using one of the following ways:

    • Using eksctl

      Use the following command to update the aws-auth ConfigMap:

      eksctl create iamidentitymapping \ --cluster <cluster-name> \ --region=<region-code> \ --arn arn:aws:iam::<ACCOUNT-ID>:role/<ROLE-NAME>\ --group resilience-hub-eks-access-group \ --username AwsResilienceHubAssessmentEKSAccessRole
    • You can manually edit aws-auth ConfigMap by adding the IAM role details to mapRoles section of the ConfigMap under data. Use the following command to edit the aws-auth ConfigMap.

      kubectl edit -n kube-system configmap/aws-auth

      mapRoles section consists of the following parameters:

      • rolearn – The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role to be added.

        • ARN Syntax – arn:aws:iam::<ACCOUNT-ID>:role/<ROLE-NAME>.

      • username – The username within Kubernetes to be mapped to the IAM role (AwsResilienceHubAssessmentEKSAccessRole).

      • groups – The group names should match the group names created in Step 2 (resilience-hub-eks-access-group).


      If mapRoles section does not exist, you must manually add this section.

      Use the following template to add the IAM role details to mapRoles section of the ConfigMap under data.

      - groups: - resilience-hub-eks-access-group rolearn: arn:aws:iam::<ACCOUNT-ID>:role/<ROLE-NAME> username: AwsResilienceHubAssessmentEKSAccessRole