Step 3: Modifying your application - AWS Resilience Hub

Step 3: Modifying your application

AWS Resilience Hub allows you to modify your application resources by editing a draft version of your application and publishing the changes to a new (published) version. AWS Resilience Hub uses the published version of your application, which includes the updated resources, for running resiliency assessments.

For more information, see the following topics:

Manually adding resources to your application

If the resource is not deployed as part of an input source, AWS Resilience Hub allows you to manually add the resource to your application using CreateAppVersionResource API. For more information about this API, see

You must provide the following parameters to this API:

  • Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application

  • Logical ID of the resource

  • Physical ID of the resource

  • AWS CloudFormation type

The following example shows how to manually add resources to your application in AWS Resilience Hub using CreateAppVersionResource API.


aws resiliencehub create-app-version-resource \ --app-arn <App_ARN> \ --resource-name "backup-efs" \ --logical-resource-id '{"identifier": "backup-efs"}' \ --physical-resource-id '<Physical_resource_id_ARN>' \ --resource-type AWS::EFS::FileSystem \ --app-components '["new-app-component"]'


{ "appArn": "<App_ARN>", "appVersion": "draft", "physicalResource": { "resourceName": "backup-efs", "logicalResourceId": { "identifier": "backup-efs" }, "physicalResourceId": { "identifier": "<Physical_resource_id_ARN>", "type": "Arn" }, "resourceType": "AWS::EFS::FileSystem", "appComponents": [ { "name": "new-app-component", "type": "AWS::ResilienceHub::StorageAppComponent", "id": "new-app-component" } ] } }

Grouping resources into a single Application Component

An Application Component (AppComponent) is a group of related AWS resources that work and fail as a single unit. For example, when you have cross-region workloads that are used as standby deployments. AWS Resilience Hub has rules governing which AWS resources can belong to which type of AppComponent. AWS Resilience Hub allows you to group resources into a single AppComponent using the following resource management APIs.

  • UpdateAppVersionResource – This API updates the resource details of an application. For more information about this API, see UpdateAppVersionResource.

  • DeleteAppVersionAppComponent – This API deletes the AppComponent from the application. For more information about this API, see DeleteAppVersionAppComponent.

The following example shows how to update the resource details of your application in AWS Resilience Hub using DeleteAppVersionAppComponent API.


aws resiliencehub delete-app-version-app-component \ --app-arn <App_ARN> \ --id new-app-component


{ "appArn": "<App_ARN>", "appVersion": "draft", "appComponent": { "name": "new-app-component", "type": "AWS::ResilienceHub::StorageAppComponent", "id": "new-app-component" } }

The following example shows how to delete the empty AppComponent that was created in the previous examples in AWS Resilience Hub using UpdateAppVersionResource API.


aws resiliencehub delete-app-version-app-component \ --app-arn <App_ARN> \ --id new-app-component


{ "appArn": "<App_ARN>", "appVersion": "draft", "appComponent": { "name": "new-app-component", "type": "AWS::ResilienceHub::StorageAppComponent", "id": "new-app-component" } }

Excluding a resource from an AppComponent

AWS Resilience Hub allows you to exclude resources from assessments using UpdateAppVersionResource API. These resources will not be considered while computing the resiliency of your application. For more information about this API, see


You can exclude only those resources that were imported from an input source.

The following example shows how to exclude a resource of your application in AWS Resilience Hub using UpdateAppVersionResource API.


aws resiliencehub update-app-version-resource \ --app-arn <App_ARN> \ --resource-name "ec2instance-nvz" \ --excluded


{ "appArn": "<App_ARN>", "appVersion": "draft", "physicalResource": { "resourceName": "ec2instance-nvz", "logicalResourceId": { "identifier": "ec2", "terraformSourceName": "test.state.file" }, "physicalResourceId": { "identifier": "i-0b58265a694e5ffc1", "type": "Native", "awsRegion": "us-west-2", "awsAccountId": "123456789101" }, "resourceType": "AWS::EC2::Instance", "appComponents": [ { "name": "computeappcomponent-nrz", "type": "AWS::ResilienceHub::ComputeAppComponent" } ] } }