Step 1: Preparing the application - AWS Resilience Hub

Step 1: Preparing the application

For preparing an application, you must first create an application, assign a resiliency policy, and then import the application resources from your input sources. For more information about the AWS Resilience Hub APIs that are used to prepare an application, see the following topics:

Creating an application

To create a new application in AWS Resilience Hub, you must call the CreateApp API and provide a unique application name. For more information about this API, see

The following example shows how to create a new application newApp in AWS Resilience Hub using CreateApp API.


aws resiliencehub create-app --name newApp


{ "app": { "appArn": "<App_ARN>", "name": "newApp", "creationTime": "2022-10-26T19:48:00.434000+03:00", "status": "Active", "complianceStatus": "NotAssessed", "resiliencyScore": 0.0, "tags": {}, "assessmentSchedule": "Disabled" } }

Creating resiliency policy

After creating the application, you must create a resiliency policy that enables you to understand your application’s resiliency posture using CreateResiliencyPolicy API. For more information about this API, see

The following example shows how to create newPolicy for your application in AWS Resilience Hub using CreateResiliencyPolicy API.


aws resiliencehub create-resiliency-policy \ --policy-name newPolicy --tier NonCritical \ --policy '{"AZ": {"rtoInSecs": 172800,"rpoInSecs": 86400}, \ "Hardware": {"rtoInSecs": 172800,"rpoInSecs": 86400}, \ "Software": {"rtoInSecs": 172800,"rpoInSecs": 86400}}'


{ "policy": { "policyArn": "<Policy_ARN>", "policyName": "newPolicy", "policyDescription": "", "dataLocationConstraint": "AnyLocation", "tier": "NonCritical", "estimatedCostTier": "L1", "policy": { "AZ": { "rtoInSecs": 172800, "rpoInSecs": 86400 }, "Hardware": { "rtoInSecs": 172800, "rpoInSecs": 86400 }, "Software": { "rtoInSecs": 172800, "rpoInSecs": 86400 } }, "creationTime": "2022-10-26T20:48:05.946000+03:00", "tags": {} } }

Importing resources from an input source and monitoring the import status

AWS Resilience Hub provides the following APIs to import resources to your application:

The following example shows how to import resources to your application in AWS Resilience Hub using ImportResourcesToDraftAppVersion API.


aws resiliencehub import-resources-to-draft-app-version \ --app-arn <App_ARN> \ --terraform-sources '[{"s3StateFileUrl": <S3_URI>}]'


{ "appArn": "<App_ARN>", "appVersion": "draft", "sourceArns": [], "status": "Pending", "terraformSources": [ { "s3StateFileUrl": <S3_URI> } ] }

The following example shows how to manually add resources to your application in AWS Resilience Hub using CreateAppVersionResource API.


aws resiliencehub create-app-version-resource \ --app-arn <App_ARN> \ --resource-name "backup-efs" \ --logical-resource-id '{"identifier": "backup-efs"}' \ --physical-resource-id '<Physical_resource_id_ARN>' \ --resource-type AWS::EFS::FileSystem \ --app-components '["new-app-component"]'


{ "appArn": "<App_ARN>", "appVersion": "draft", "physicalResource": { "resourceName": "backup-efs", "logicalResourceId": { "identifier": "backup-efs" }, "physicalResourceId": { "identifier": "<Physical_resource_id_ARN>", "type": "Arn" }, "resourceType": "AWS::EFS::FileSystem", "appComponents": [ { "name": "new-app-component", "type": "AWS::ResilienceHub::StorageAppComponent", "id": "new-app-component" } ] } }

The following example shows how to monitor the import status of your resources in AWS Resilience Hub using DescribeDraftAppVersionResourcesImportStatus API.


aws resiliencehub describe-draft-app-version-resources-import-status \ --app-arn <App_ARN>


{ "appArn": "<App_ARN>", "appVersion": "draft", "status": "Success", "statusChangeTime": "2022-10-26T19:55:18.471000+03:00" }

Publishing the draft version of your application and assigning a resiliency policy

Before running an assessment, you must first publish the draft version of your application and assign a resiliency policy to the released version of your application.

To publish the draft version of your application and assign a resiliency policy
  1. To publish the draft version of your application, use PublishAppVersion API. For more information about this API, see

    The following example shows how to publish the draft version of the application in AWS Resilience Hub using PublishAppVersion API.


    aws resiliencehub publish-app-version \ --app-arn <App_ARN>

    { "appArn": "<App_ARN>", "appVersion": "release" }
  2. Apply a resiliency policy to the released version of your application using UpdateApp API. For more information about this API, see

    The following example shows how to apply a resiliency policy to the released version of an application in AWS Resilience Hub using UpdateApp API.


    aws resiliencehub update-app \ --app-arn <App_ARN> \ --policy-arn <Policy_ARN>

    { "app": { "appArn": "<App_ARN>", "name": "newApp", "policyArn": "<Policy_ARN>", "creationTime": "2022-10-26T19:48:00.434000+03:00", "status": "Active", "complianceStatus": "NotAssessed", "resiliencyScore": 0.0, "tags": { "resourceArn": "<App_ARN>" }, "assessmentSchedule": "Disabled" } }