Reviewing resiliency recommendations - AWS Resilience Hub

Reviewing resiliency recommendations

Resiliency recommendations evaluate Application Components and recommend how to optimize by estimated workload RTO and estimated workload RPO, costs, and minimal changes.

With AWS Resilience Hub, you can optimize resiliency using one of the following recommended options in Why you should choose this option:

  • AWS Resilience Hub provides up to three AWS Resilience Hub recommended options.

  • If you set regional RTO and RPO targets, AWS Resilience Hub displays Optimize for region RTO/RPO in the recommended options. If regional RTO and RPO targets are not set, Optimize for Availability Zone (AZ) RTO/RPO is displayed. For more information about setting regional RTO/RPO targets while creating resiliency policies, see Creating resiliency policies .

  • Estimated workload RTO and estimated workload RPO values for the applications and their configurations are determined by considering the amount of data and individual AppComponents. However, these values are only estimates. You should use your own testing (such as Amazon Fault Injection Service) to test your application for actual recovery times.

Optimize for Availability Zone RTO/RPO

The lowest possible estimated workload recovery times (RTO/RPO) during an Availability Zone (AZ) disruption. If your configuration can't be changed sufficiently to meet the RTO and RPO targets, you're informed about the lowest estimated workload AZ recovery times to get your configuration close to the possibility of meeting the policy.

Optimize for region RTO/RPO

The lowest possible estimated workload recovery times (RTO/RPO) during a Regional disruption. If your configuration can't be changed sufficiently to meet the RTO and RPO targets, you're informed about the lowest estimated workload Region recovery times to get your configuration close to the possibility of meeting the policy.

Optimize for cost

The lowest cost that you can incur and still meet your resiliency policy. If your configuration can't be changed sufficiently to meet the optimization goals, you're informed about the lowest cost that you can incur to get your configuration close to the possibility of meeting the policy.

Optimize for minimal changes

The minimum changes required to achieve your policy targets. If your configuration can't be changed sufficiently to meet the optimization goals, you're informed about the recommended changes that can get your configuration close to the possibility of meeting the policy.

The following items are included in the optimization category breakdowns:

  • Description

    Describes the configurations suggested by AWS Resilience Hub.

  • Changes

    A list of text changes that describe the necessary tasks to switch to the suggested configuration.

  • Base cost

    The estimated cost associated with the recommended changes.


    Base cost can vary based on the usage and it does not include any discounts or offers from Enterprise Discount Program (EDP).

  • Estimated Workload RTO and RPO

    The estimated workload RTO and estimated workload RPO after changes.

AWS Resilience Hub evaluates whether an Application Component (AppComponent) can comply with a resiliency policy. If the AppComponent does not comply with a resiliency policy and AWS Resilience Hub cannot make any recommendations to facilitate compliance, it might be because the recovery time for the selected AppComponent cannot be met within the constraints of the AppComponent. Examples of AppComponent constraints include resource type, storage size, or resource configuration.

To facilitate the compliance of the AppComponent with the resiliency policy, change the resource type of the AppComponent or update the resiliency policy to align with what the resource can deliver.