Running an AWS FIS experiment from AWS Resilience Hub - AWS Resilience Hub

Running an AWS FIS experiment from AWS Resilience Hub

In your application, you must first create an AWS FIS experiment template from the operational recommendations before AWS Resilience Hub can run the AWS FIS experiment.

To start an AWS FIS experiment
  1. In the left navigation menu, choose Applications.

  2. From Applications table, open an application.

  3. Choose Fault injection experiments tab.

  4. Select the radio button before the experiment template that was used to create the experiment you want to run from the Experiment templates table, and then choose Start experiment.

To stop an AWS FIS experiment
  1. In the left navigation menu, choose Applications.

  2. From Applications table, open an application.

  3. Choose Fault injection experiments tab.

  4. Select the radio button before the experiment from the Experiment table, and then choose Stop experiment.