Demoting the aggregator index to a local index - AWS Resource Explorer

Demoting the aggregator index to a local index

You can demote an aggregator index to a local index, such as when you want to move the aggregator index to a different AWS Region.

When you demote an aggregator index to a local index, Resource Explorer stops replicating the indexes from other AWS Regions. It also starts an asynchronous background task to delete any replicated information from other Regions. Until that asynchronous task completes, some cross-Region results can continue to appear in search results.

  • After you demote an aggregator index, you must wait 24 hours before you can promote either the same index or the index in a different Region to be the new aggregator index for the account.

  • After demoting an aggregator index, it can take up to 36 hours for the background processes to complete and for all resource information from other Regions to disappear from results from searches performed in this Region.

  • If you demote a member account within an organization wide view, the member may be removed from multi-account search.

You can check the status of the background task by viewing the list of indexes on the Settings page or by using the GetIndex operation. When the asynchronous tasks complete, the Status field from the index changes from UPDATING to ACTIVE. At that time, only results from the local Region appear in query results.

AWS Management Console
To demote an aggregator index to a local index
  1. Open the Resource Explorer Settings page.

  2. In the Indexes section, select the check box next to the Region that contains the aggregator index that you want to demote to a local index, and then choose Change index type.

  3. In the Change index type for <Region name> dialog, choose Local index, and then choose Save changes.

To demote an aggregator index to a local index

The following example demotes the specified aggregator index to a local index. You must call the operation in the AWS Region that currently contains the aggregator index.

$ aws resource-explorer-2 update-index-type \ --arn arn:aws:resource-explorer-2:us-east-1:123456789012:index/1a2b3c4d-5d6e-7f8a-9b0c-abcd11111111 \ --type LOCAL \ --region us-east-1 { "Arn":"arn:aws:resource-explorer-2:us-east-1:123456789012:index/1a2b3c4d-5d6e-7f8a-9b0c-abcd11111111", "LastUpdatedAt":"2022-07-13T18:41:58.799Z", "State":"UPDATING", "Type":"LOCAL" }

The operation works asynchronously and starts with State set to UPDATING. To check if the operation has completed, you can run the following command and look for the value ACTIVE in the State response field. You must run this command in the Region the contains the index you want to check.

$ aws resource-explorer-2 get-index --region us-east-1 { "Arn": "arn:aws:resource-explorer-2:us-east-1:123456789012:index/1a2b3c4d-5d6e-7f8a-9b0c-abcd11111111", "CreatedAt": "2022-10-12T21:31:37.277000+00:00", "LastUpdatedAt": "2022-10-12T21:31:37.677000+00:00", "ReplicatingFrom": [ "us-west-2", "us-east-2", "us-west-1" ], "State": "ACTIVE", "Tags": {}, "Type": "LOCAL" }