Mapping identities to your workloads with IAM Roles Anywhere - IAM Roles Anywhere

Mapping identities to your workloads with IAM Roles Anywhere

A key element to using IAM Roles Anywhere is managing how identities are assigned to workloads. Certificates are issued to compute instances (servers, containers), in which the identity is encoded as the Subject of the certificate. The subject may be a simple Common Name (CN), a Fully Qualified Distinguished Name (FQDN), that contains information about organizational structure, or a simple hostname. Alternatively, a standard such as SPIFFE could be used to create a hierarchical namespace for the workload identities.

IAM Roles Anywhere lets the workload use the certificate to obtain temporary credentials instead of issuing Access Key IDs and Secret Access Keys, and the identity in the subject is encoded in the session credentials in a way that can be used in resource policies. For example, if a certificate has a Subject with CN=Alice, the value is added to the session as a PrincipalTag: aws:PrincipalTag/x509Subject/CN.

The fields Subject, Issuer and Subject Alternative Name (SAN) are extracted from x509 tickets and used as elements of the PrincipalTags. Tags that start with the prefix x509Subject are usually followed by the suffix /CN used to identify the subject’s common name. Tags starting with the prefix x509Issuer are usually followed by /C, /O, /OU, /ST, /L, and /CN in order to identify the issuer’s country, organization, organization unit, state, locality and common name respectively. Tags starting with x509SAN prefix are followed by /DNS, /URI or /CN to identify the subject alternative name’s DNS, URI or common name of the subject alternative name resepctively. These are some of the different ways x509 fields are implemented as PrincipalTags for use in identity mapping.