Filter - Amazon SageMaker


A conditional statement for a search expression that includes a resource property, a Boolean operator, and a value. Resources that match the statement are returned in the results from the Search API.

If you specify a Value, but not an Operator, SageMaker uses the equals operator.

In search, there are several property types:


To define a metric filter, enter a value using the form "Metrics.<name>", where <name> is a metric name. For example, the following filter searches for training jobs with an "accuracy" metric greater than "0.9":


"Name": "Metrics.accuracy",

"Operator": "GreaterThan",

"Value": "0.9"



To define a hyperparameter filter, enter a value with the form "HyperParameters.<name>". Decimal hyperparameter values are treated as a decimal in a comparison if the specified Value is also a decimal value. If the specified Value is an integer, the decimal hyperparameter values are treated as integers. For example, the following filter is satisfied by training jobs with a "learning_rate" hyperparameter that is less than "0.5":


"Name": "HyperParameters.learning_rate",

"Operator": "LessThan",

"Value": "0.5"



To define a tag filter, enter a value with the form Tags.<key>.



A resource property name. For example, TrainingJobName. For valid property names, see SearchRecord. You must specify a valid property for the resource.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 255.

Pattern: .+

Required: Yes


A Boolean binary operator that is used to evaluate the filter. The operator field contains one of the following values:


The value of Name equals Value.


The value of Name doesn't equal Value.


The Name property exists.


The Name property does not exist.


The value of Name is greater than Value. Not supported for text properties.


The value of Name is greater than or equal to Value. Not supported for text properties.


The value of Name is less than Value. Not supported for text properties.


The value of Name is less than or equal to Value. Not supported for text properties.


The value of Name is one of the comma delimited strings in Value. Only supported for text properties.


The value of Name contains the string Value. Only supported for text properties.

A SearchExpression can include the Contains operator multiple times when the value of Name is one of the following:

  • Experiment.DisplayName

  • Experiment.ExperimentName

  • Experiment.Tags

  • Trial.DisplayName

  • Trial.TrialName

  • Trial.Tags

  • TrialComponent.DisplayName

  • TrialComponent.TrialComponentName

  • TrialComponent.Tags

  • TrialComponent.InputArtifacts

  • TrialComponent.OutputArtifacts

A SearchExpression can include only one Contains operator for all other values of Name. In these cases, if you include multiple Contains operators in the SearchExpression, the result is the following error message: "'CONTAINS' operator usage limit of 1 exceeded."

Type: String

Valid Values: Equals | NotEquals | GreaterThan | GreaterThanOrEqualTo | LessThan | LessThanOrEqualTo | Contains | Exists | NotExists | In

Required: No


A value used with Name and Operator to determine which resources satisfy the filter's condition. For numerical properties, Value must be an integer or floating-point decimal. For timestamp properties, Value must be an ISO 8601 date-time string of the following format: YYYY-mm-dd'T'HH:MM:SS.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 1024.

Pattern: .+

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: