Properties - Amazon SageMaker


Properties associated with the Item.



Estimate of cloud cover.

Type: Float

Required: No


Land cloud cover for Landsat Data Collection.

Type: Float

Required: No


Platform property. Platform refers to the unique name of the specific platform the instrument is attached to. For satellites it is the name of the satellite, eg. landsat-8 (Landsat-8), sentinel-2a.

Type: String

Required: No


The angle from the sensor between nadir (straight down) and the scene center. Measured in degrees (0-90).

Type: Float

Required: No


The sun azimuth angle. From the scene center point on the ground, this is the angle between truth north and the sun. Measured clockwise in degrees (0-360).

Type: Float

Required: No


The sun elevation angle. The angle from the tangent of the scene center point to the sun. Measured from the horizon in degrees (-90-90). Negative values indicate the sun is below the horizon, e.g. sun elevation of -10° means the data was captured during nautical twilight.

Type: Float

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: