Augmented AI Crowd HTML Elements - Amazon SageMaker

Augmented AI Crowd HTML Elements

The following Crowd HTML Elements are only available for Amazon Augmented AI human workflow tasks.

A widget to enable human review of a Amazon Textract document analysis result.


The following attributes are supported by this element.


This is the text that is displayed as the header.


This is a link to the image to be analyzed by the worker.


This sets initial values for attributes found in the worker UI.

The following is an example of an initialValue input:

[ { "blockType": "KEY_VALUE_SET", "confidence": 38.43309020996094, "geometry": { "boundingBox": { "width": 0.32613086700439453, "weight": 0.0942094624042511, "left": 0.4833833575248718, "top": 0.5227988958358765 }, "polygon": [ {"x": 0.123, "y": 0.345}, ... ] } "id": "8c97b240-0969-4678-834a-646c95da9cf4", "relationships": [ { "type": "CHILD", "ids": [ "7ee7b7da-ee1b-428d-a567-55a3e3affa56", "4d6da730-ba43-467c-a9a5-c6137ba0c472" ] }, { "type": "VALUE", "ids": [ "6ee7b7da-ee1b-428d-a567-55a3e3affa54" ] } ], "entityTypes": [ "KEY" ], "text": "Foo bar" }, ]


This determines the kind of analysis the workers can do. Only KEY_VALUE_SET is currently supported.


This specifies new keys and the associated text value the worker can add. The input values for keys can include the following elements:

  • importantFormKey accepts strings, and is used to specify a single key.

  • importantFormKeyAliases can be used to specify aliases that are acceptable alternatives to the keys supplied. Use this element to identify alternative spellings or presentations of your keys. This parameter accepts a list of one or more strings.

The following is an example of an input for keys.

[ { importantFormKey: 'Address', importantFormKeyAliases: [ 'address', 'Addr.', 'Add.', ] }, { importantFormKey: 'Last name', importantFormKeyAliases: ['Surname'] } ]


This prevents the workers from editing the keys of annotations passed through initialValue. This prevents workers from editing the keys that have been detected on your documents. This is required.


This prevents workers from editing the polygons of annotations passed through initialValue. For example, this would prevent the worker from editing the bounding box around a given key. This is required.

Element Hierarchy

This element has the following parent and child elements.


The following regions are supported by this element. You can use custom HTML and CSS code within these regions to format your instructions to workers. For example, use the short-instructions section to provide good and bad examples of how to complete a task.


General instructions about how to work with the widget.


Important task-specific instructions that are displayed in a prominent place.

Example of a Worker Template Using the crowd Element

An example of a worker template using this crowd element would look like the following.

<script src=""></script> {% capture s3_uri %}{{ task.input.aiServiceRequest.document.s3Object.bucket }}/{{ }}{% endcapture %} <crowd-form> <crowd-textract-analyze-document src="{{ s3_uri | grant_read_access }}" initial-value="{{ task.input.selectedAiServiceResponse.blocks }}" header="Review the key-value pairs listed on the right and correct them if they don't match the following document." no-key-edit no-geometry-edit keys="{{ task.input.humanLoopContext.importantFormKeys }}" block-types="['KEY_VALUE_SET']" > <short-instructions header="Instructions"> <style> .instructions { white-space: pre-wrap; } .instructionsImage { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; } </style> <p class='instructions'>Click on a key-value block to highlight the corresponding key-value pair in the document. If it is a valid key-value pair, review the content for the value. If the content is incorrect, correct it. The text of the value is incorrect, correct it. <img class='instructionsImage' src="" /> A wrong value is identified, correct it. <img class='instructionsImage' src="" /> If it is not a valid key-value relationship, choose No. <img class='instructionsImage' src="" /> If you can’t find the key in the document, choose Key not found. <img class='instructionsImage' src="" /> If the content of a field is empty, choose Value is blank. <img class='instructionsImage' src="" /> <b>Examples</b> Key and value are often displayed next or below to each other. Key and value displayed in one line. <img class='instructionsImage' src="" /> Key and value displayed in two lines. <img class='instructionsImage' src="" /> If the content of the value has multiple lines, enter all the text without line break. Include all value text even if it extends beyond the highlight box. <img class='instructionsImage' src="" /></p> </short-instructions> <full-instructions header="Instructions"></full-instructions> </crowd-textract-analyze-document> </crowd-form>


The following is a sample of the output from this element. You can find a detailed explanation of this output in the Amazon Textract AnalyzeDocument API documentation.

{ "AWS/Textract/AnalyzeDocument/Forms/V1": { blocks: [ { "blockType": "KEY_VALUE_SET", "id": "8c97b240-0969-4678-834a-646c95da9cf4", "relationships": [ { "type": "CHILD", "ids": ["7ee7b7da-ee1b-428d-a567-55a3e3affa56", "4d6da730-ba43-467c-a9a5-c6137ba0c472"] }, { "type": "VALUE", "ids": ["6ee7b7da-ee1b-428d-a567-55a3e3affa54"] } ], "entityTypes": ["KEY"], "text": "Foo bar baz" } ] } }

A widget to enable human review of an Amazon Rekognition image moderation result.


The following attributes are supported by this element.


This is the text that is displayed as the header.


This is a link to the image to be analyzed by the worker.


This supports categories as an array of strings or an array of objects where each object has a name field.

If the categories come in as objects, the following applies:

  • The displayed categories are the value of the name field.

  • The returned answer contains the full objects of any selected categories.

If the categories come in as strings, the following applies:

  • The returned answer is an array of all the strings that were selected.


By setting this attribute you create a button underneath the categories in the UI.

  • When a user chooses the button, all categories are deselected and disabled.

  • Choosing the button again re-enables the categories so that users can choose them.

  • If you submit after choosing the button, it returns an empty array.

Element Hierarchy

This element has the following parent and child elements.

AWS Regions

The following AWS Regions are supported by this element. You can use custom HTML and CSS code within these Regions to format your instructions to workers. For example, use the short-instructions section to provide good and bad examples of how to complete a task.


General instructions about how to work with the widget.


Important task-specific instructions that are displayed in a prominent place.

Example Worker Template with the crowd Element

An example of a worker template using the crowd element would look like the following.

<script src=""></script> {% capture s3_uri %}{{ task.input.aiServiceRequest.image.s3Object.bucket }}/{{ }}{% endcapture %} <crowd-form> <crowd-rekognition-detect-moderation-labels categories='[ {% for label in task.input.selectedAiServiceResponse.moderationLabels %} { name: "{{ }}", parentName: "{{ label.parentName }}", }, {% endfor %} ]' src="{{ s3_uri | grant_read_access }}" header="Review the image and choose all applicable categories." > <short-instructions header="Instructions"> <style> .instructions { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style> <p class='instructions'>Review the image and choose all applicable categories. If no categories apply, choose None. <b>Nudity</b> Visuals depicting nude male or female person or persons <b>Graphic Male Nudity</b> Visuals depicting full frontal male nudity, often close ups <b>Graphic Female Nudity</b> Visuals depicting full frontal female nudity, often close ups <b>Sexual Activity</b> Visuals depicting various types of explicit sexual activities and pornography <b>Illustrated Nudity or Sexual Activity</b> Visuals depicting animated or drawn sexual activity, nudity or pornography <b>Adult Toys</b> Visuals depicting adult toys, often in a marketing context <b>Female Swimwear or Underwear</b> Visuals depicting female person wearing only swimwear or underwear <b>Male Swimwear Or Underwear</b> Visuals depicting male person wearing only swimwear or underwear <b>Partial Nudity</b> Visuals depicting covered up nudity, for example using hands or pose <b>Revealing Clothes</b> Visuals depicting revealing clothes and poses, such as deep cut dresses <b>Graphic Violence or Gore</b> Visuals depicting prominent blood or bloody injuries <b>Physical Violence</b> Visuals depicting violent physical assault, such as kicking or punching <b>Weapon Violence</b> Visuals depicting violence using weapons like firearms or blades, such as shooting <b>Weapons</b> Visuals depicting weapons like firearms and blades <b>Self Injury</b> Visuals depicting self-inflicted cutting on the body, typically in distinctive patterns using sharp objects <b>Emaciated Bodies</b> Visuals depicting extremely malnourished human bodies <b>Corpses</b> Visuals depicting human dead bodies <b>Hanging</b> Visuals depicting death by hanging</p> </short-instructions> <full-instructions header="Instructions"></full-instructions> </crowd-rekognition-detect-moderation-labels> </crowd-form>


The following is a sample of the output from this element. For details about this output, see Amazon Rekognition DetectModerationLabels API documentation.

{ "AWS/Rekognition/DetectModerationLabels/Image/V3": { "ModerationLabels": [ { name: 'Gore', parentName: 'Violence' }, { name: 'Corpses', parentName: 'Violence' }, ] } }