Access the profiling data using the pandas data parsing tool - Amazon SageMaker

Access the profiling data using the pandas data parsing tool

The following PandasFrame class provides tools to convert the collected profiling data to Pandas data frame.

from smdebug.profiler.analysis.utils.profiler_data_to_pandas import PandasFrame

The PandasFrame class takes the tj object's S3 bucket output path, and its methods get_all_system_metrics() get_all_framework_metrics() return system metrics and framework metrics in the Pandas data format.

pf = PandasFrame(tj.profiler_s3_output_path) system_metrics_df = pf.get_all_system_metrics() framework_metrics_df = pf.get_all_framework_metrics( selected_framework_metrics=[ 'Step:ModeKeys.TRAIN', 'Step:ModeKeys.GLOBAL' ] )