Use Debugger with Custom Training Containers
Amazon SageMaker Debugger is available for any deep learning models that you bring to Amazon SageMaker. The AWS CLI,
SageMaker Estimator
API, and the Debugger APIs enable you to use any Docker base
images to build and customize containers to train your models. To use Debugger with customized
containers, you need to make a minimal change to your training script to implement the
Debugger hook callback and retrieve tensors from training jobs.
You need the following resources to build a customized container with Debugger.
A Docker base image of your choice
Your training script with a Debugger hook registered – For more information about registering a Debugger hook to your training script, see Register Debugger Hook to Your Training Script.
For an end-to-end example of using Debugger with a custom training container, see the following example notebook.
This custom container with Debugger guide is an extension of the Adapting your own training container guide which walks you thorough how to build and push your custom training container to Amazon ECR.
Prepare to Build a Custom Training Container
To build a docker container, the basic structure of files should look like the following:
├── debugger_custom_container_test_notebook.ipynb # a notebook to run python snippet codes └── debugger_custom_container_test_folder # this is a docker folder ├── # your training script with Debugger hook └── Dockerfile # a Dockerfile to build your own container
Register Debugger Hook to Your Training Script
To debug your model training, you need to add a Debugger hook to your training script.
This step is required to collect model parameters (output tensors) for debugging your model training.
If you only want to monitor and profile, you can skip this hook registration step
and exclude the debugger_hook_config
parameter when constructing an estimater.
The following example code shows the structure of a training script using the Keras
ResNet50 model and how to pass the Debugger hook as a Keras callback for debugging. To
find a complete training script, see TensorFlow training script with SageMaker Debugger hook
# An example of training script ( import tensorflow.compat.v2 as tf from tensorflow.keras.applications.resnet50 import ResNet50 import smdebug.tensorflow as smd def train(batch_size, epoch, model, hook): ..., Y_train, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=epoch, validation_data=(X_valid, Y_valid), shuffle=True, # smdebug modification: Pass the Debugger hook in the main() as a Keras callback callbacks=[
]) def main(): parser=argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Train resnet50 cifar10") # hyperparameter settings parser.add_argument(...) args = parser.parse_args() model=ResNet50(weights=None, input_shape=(32,32,3), classes=10) # Add the following line to register the Debugger hook for Keras. hook=smd.KerasHook.create_from_json_file()
# Start the training. train(args.batch_size, args.epoch, model, hook) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
For more information about registering the Debugger hook for the supported frameworks and algorithm, see the following links in the SMDebug client library:
In the following example notebooks' training scripts, you can find more examples about how to add the Debugger hooks to training scripts and collect output tensors in detail:
Debugger in script mode with the TensorFlow 2.1 framework
To see the difference between using Debugger in a Deep Learning Container and in script mode, open this notebook and put it and the previous Debugger in a Deep Learning Container TensorFlow v2.1 notebook example
side by side. In script mode, the hook configuration part is removed from the script in which you set the estimator. Instead, the Debugger hook feature is merged into the training script, TensorFlow Keras ResNet training script in script mode
. The training script imports the smdebug
library in the required TensorFlow Keras environment to communicate with the TensorFlow ResNet50 algorithm. It also manually implements thesmdebug
hook functionality by adding thecallbacks=[hook]
argument inside thetrain
function (in line 49), and by adding the manual hook configuration (in line 89) provided through SageMaker Python SDK.This script mode example runs the training job in the TF 2.1 framework for direct comparison with the zero script change in the TF 2.1 example. The benefit of setting up Debugger in script mode is the flexibility to choose framework versions not covered by AWS Deep Learning Containers.
Using Amazon SageMaker Debugger in a PyTorch Container in Script Mode
This notebook enables Debugger in script mode in PyTorch v1.3.1 framework. PyTorch v1.3.1 is supported by SageMaker containers, and this example shows details of how to modify a training script.
The SageMaker PyTorch estimator is already in script mode by default. In the notebook, the line to activate
is not included in the estimator configuration.This notebook shows detailed steps to change the original PyTorch training script
to a modified version to enable Debugger. Additionally, this example shows how you can use Debugger built-in rules to detect training issues such as the vanishing gradients problem, and the Debugger trial features to call and analyze the saved tensors.
Create and Configure a Dockerfile
Open your SageMaker JupyterLab and create a new folder,
in this example, to save
your training script and Dockerfile
. The following code example is
a Dockerfile
that includes essential docker build commends. Paste the
following code into the Dockerfile
text file and save it. Upload
your training script to the same folder.
# Specify a docker base image FROM tensorflow/tensorflow:2.2.0rc2-gpu-py3 RUN /usr/bin/python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip RUN pip install --upgrade protobuf # Install required packages to enable the SageMaker Python SDK and the smdebug library RUN pip install sagemaker-training RUN pip install smdebug CMD ["bin/bash"]
If you want to use a pre-built AWS Deep Learning Container image, see Available AWS Deep Learning Containers Images
Build and Push the Custom Training Container to Amazon ECR
Create a test notebook,
, and run the
following code in the notebook cell. This will access the
directory, build the docker with the
specified algorithm_name
, and push the docker container to your
Amazon ECR.
import boto3 account_id = boto3.client('sts').get_caller_identity().get('Account') ecr_repository = 'sagemaker-debugger-mnist-byoc-tf2' tag = ':latest' region = boto3.session.Session().region_name uri_suffix = '' if region in ['cn-north-1', 'cn-northwest-1']: uri_suffix = '' byoc_image_uri = '{}.dkr.ecr.{}.{}/{}'.format(account_id, region, uri_suffix, ecr_repository + tag) !docker build -t $ecr_repository docker !$(aws ecr get-login --region $region --registry-ids $account_id --no-include-email) !aws ecr create-repository --repository-name $ecr_repository !docker tag {ecr_repository + tag} $byoc_image_uri !docker push $byoc_image_uri
If you use one of the AWS Deep Learning Container base images, run the following code to log in to Amazon ECR and access to the Deep Learning Container image repository.
! aws ecr get-login-password --region {region} | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
Run and Debug Training Jobs Using the Custom Training Container
After you build and push your docker container to Amazon ECR, configure a SageMaker estimator
with your training script and the Debugger-specific parameters. After you execute the
, Debugger will collect output tensors, monitor them, and
detect training issues. Using the saved tensors, you can further analyze the training
job by using the smdebug
core features and tools. Configuring a workflow of
Debugger rule monitoring process with Amazon CloudWatch Events and AWS Lambda, you can automate a stopping
training job process whenever the Debugger rules spots training issues.
import sagemaker from sagemaker.estimator import Estimator from sagemaker.debugger import Rule, DebuggerHookConfig, CollectionConfig, rule_configs
] estimator=Estimator( image_uri=byoc_image_uri, entry_point="./debugger_custom_container_test_folder/" role=sagemaker.get_execution_role(), base_job_name='debugger-custom-container-test', instance_count=1, instance_type='ml.p3.2xlarge', # Debugger-specific parameters profiler_config=profiler_config
, debugger_hook_config=debugger_hook_config
, rules=rules
) # start training