Create an Amazon SageMaker Experiment - Amazon SageMaker

Create an Amazon SageMaker Experiment

Create an Amazon SageMaker experiment to track your machine learning (ML) workflows with a few lines of code from your preferred development environment. You can then browse your experiments, create visualizations for analysis, and find the best performing model. You can also integrate SageMaker Experiments into your SageMaker training script using the SageMaker Python SDK.


The following components make up the building blocks of an experiment in Amazon SageMaker.

  • experiment: An experiment is a collection of runs. When you initialize a run in your training loop, you include the name of the experiment that the run belongs to. Experiment names must be unique within your AWS account.

  • Run: A run consists of all the inputs, parameters, configurations, and results for one interaction of model training. Initialize an experiment run for tracking a training job with Run.init().


    We recommend that you initialize a Run object in a Jupyter Notebook, and create the SageMaker job for your experiment within the context of this Run object initialization. To refer to this Run object in script mode, use the load_run() operation. For examples, see Example notebooks for Amazon SageMaker Experiments.


    The SageMaker Python SDK automatically turns experiment names and run names to lowercase.

  • load_run: To run your experiments in script mode, refer to an initialized Run object with load_run(). If an experiment for a run exists, load_run returns the experiment context. Generally, you use load_run with no arguments to track metrics, parameters, and artifacts within a SageMaker training or processing job script.

    # Load run from a local script passing experiment and run names with load_run(experiment_name=experiment_name, run_name=run_name) as run: run.log_parameter("param1", "value1")
    # Load run within a training or processing Job (automated context sharing) with load_run() as run: run.log_parameter("param1", "value1")
  • log_parameter: Log parameters for a run, such as batch size or epochs, over time in a training loop with run.log_parameter(). log_parameter records a single name-value pair in a run. You can use run.log_parameters() to log multiple parameters. If called multiple times within a run for a parameter of the same name, log_parameter overwrites any previous value. The name must be a string and the value must be either a string, integer, or float.

    # Log a single parameter run.log_parameter("param1", "value1")
    # Log multiple parameters run.log_parameters({ "param2": "value2", "param3": "value3" })
  • log_metric: Log metrics for a run, such as accuracy or loss, over time in a training loop with run.log_metric(). log_metric records a name-value pair where the name is a string and the value is an integer or float. To declare the frequency of logging over the course of the run, define a step value. You can then visualize these metrics in the Studio Classic Experiments UI. For more information, see View, search, and compare experiment runs.

    # Log a metric over the course of a run run.log_metric(name="Final_loss", value=finalloss)
    # Log a metric over the course of a run at each epoch run.log_metric(name="test:loss", value=loss, step=epoch)
  • log_artifact: Log any input or output artifacts related to a run with run.log_artifact(). Log artifacts such as S3 URIs, datasets, models, and more for your experiment to help you keep track of artifacts across multiple runs. is_output is True by default. To record the artifact as an input artifact instead of an output artifact, set is_output to False.

    # Track a string value as an input or output artifact run.log_artifact(name="training_data", value="data.csv" is_output=False)
  • log_file: Log any input or output files related to a run, such as training or test data, and store them in Amazon S3 with run.log_file(). is_output is True by default. To record the file as an input artifact instead of an output artifact, set is_output to False.

    # Upload a local file to S3 and track it as an input or output artifact run.log_file("training_data.csv", name="training_data", is_output=False)

For more information on initializing a Run object, see Experiments in the SageMaker Python SDK documentation. For information on visualizing logged experiment data and automatic logging, see View, search, and compare experiment runs.

Create an experiment with the SageMaker Python SDK

The following section demonstrates how to create an Amazon SageMaker Experiment using the SageMaker Python SDK. This example uses the Run class to track a Keras model in a notebook environment. The Keras Callback class provides an operation on_epoch_end which emits metrics at the end of each epoch. First, define a Callback class.

class ExperimentCallback(keras.callbacks.Callback): """ """ def __init__(self, run, model, x_test, y_test): """Save params in constructor""" = run self.model = model self.x_test = x_test self.y_test = y_test def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None): """ """ keys = list(logs.keys()) for key in keys: run.log_metric(name=key, value=logs[key], step=epoch) print("Epoch: {}\n{} -> {}".format(epoch, key, logs[key]))

Next, train the Keras model in a notebook environment and track it as an experiment.


This example carries out jobs sequentially. To run SageMaker jobs asynchronously, you may need to increase your resource limit.

from sagemaker.experiments import Run # The run name is an optional argument to `run.init()` with Run(experiment_name = 'my-experiment') as run: # Define values for the parameters to log run.log_parameter("batch_size", batch_size) run.log_parameter("epochs", epochs) run.log_parameter("dropout", 0.5) # Define input artifacts run.log_file('datasets/input_train.npy', is_output = False) run.log_file('datasets/input_test.npy', is_output = False) run.log_file('datasets/input_train_labels.npy', is_output = False) run.log_file('datasets/input_test_labels.npy', is_output = False) # Train locally x_train, y_train, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=epochs, validation_split=0.1, callbacks = [ExperimentCallback(run, model, x_test, y_test)] ) score = model.evaluate(x_test, y_test, verbose=0) print("Test loss:", score[0]) print("Test accuracy:", score[1]) # Define metrics to log run.log_metric(name = "Final Test Loss", value = score[0]) run.log_metric(name = "Final Test Accuracy", value = score[1])

For more code examples and example notebooks, see Example notebooks for Amazon SageMaker Experiments.

Create an experiment using SageMaker script mode

You can use SageMaker script mode to write your own code to train a model and track it as an experiment. When creating an experiment with script mode, use load_run().

# Make sure that you have the latest version of the SageMaker Python SDK import os os.system("pip install -U sagemaker") # Import additional requirements import boto3 from sagemaker.session import Session from import load_run # Define training script if __name__ == "__main__": session = Session(boto3.session.Session(region_name=args.region)) with load_run(sagemaker_session=session) as run: # Define values for the parameters to log run.log_parameters({ "batch_size": batch_size, "epochs": epochs, "dropout": 0.5 }) # Define input artifacts run.log_file('datasets/input_train.npy', is_output = False) run.log_file('datasets/input_test.npy', is_output = False) run.log_file('datasets/input_train_labels.npy', is_output = False) run.log_file('datasets/input_test_labels.npy', is_output = False) # Train the model x_train, y_train, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=epochs, validation_split=0.1, callbacks = [ExperimentCallback(run, model, x_test, y_test)] ) score = model.evaluate(x_test, y_test, verbose=0) print("Test loss:", score[0]) print("Test accuracy:", score[1]) # Define metrics to log run.log_metric(name = "Final Test Loss", value = score[0]) run.log_metric(name = "Final Test Accuracy", value = score[1])

For more code examples and example notebooks on using Amazon SageMaker Experiments in SageMaker script mode, see Track experiments for SageMaker training jobs using script mode.

For more information on script mode, see Use script mode in a supported framework. You can also define custom metrics in script mode by specifying a name and regular expression for each metric that a tuning job monitors. See Use a custom algorithm for training for more information.

View your experiment in Studio


As of November 30, 2023, the previous Amazon SageMaker Studio experience is now named Amazon SageMaker Studio Classic. The following section is specific to using the updated Studio experience. For information about using the Studio Classic application, see Amazon SageMaker Studio Classic.

To view your experiments, you must do so through Studio Classic, which you can access through the updated Studio experience.

Within Studio, choose Experiments on the lefthand navigation pane. Then, choose View Studio Classic. For information about using the Studio Classic application, see Amazon SageMaker Studio Classic. For more information on getting started with the updated Studio experience, see Amazon SageMaker Studio.

        The SageMaker Experiments landing page in the updated Studio UI.

View your experiment in Studio Classic


As of November 30, 2023, the previous Amazon SageMaker Studio experience is now named Amazon SageMaker Studio Classic. The following section is specific to using the Studio Classic application. For information about using the updated Studio experience, see Amazon SageMaker Studio.

To view the experiment in Studio Classic, in the left sidebar, choose Experiments.

Select the name of the experiment to view all associated runs. It might take a moment for the list to refresh and display a new experiment or experiment run. You can click Refresh to update the page. Your experiment list should look similar to the following:

        A list of experiments in the SageMaker Experiments UI

To view the runs that make up your experiment, select the experiment name. For more information, see View, search, and compare experiment runs.

View unassigned runs

All SageMaker jobs, including training jobs, processing jobs, and transform jobs, correspond to runs and create Run objects by default. If you launch these jobs without explicitly associating them with an experiment, the resulting runs are unassigned and can be viewed in the Unassigned runs section of the Studio Classic Experiments UI.

          A list of unassigned runs in the SageMaker Experiments UI

To clean up the resources you created, see Clean Up Amazon SageMaker Experiment Resources.