On the Test inference tab, you can send a test inference request to a deployed model. This is useful if you’d like to verify that your endpoint responds to requests as expected.
To test inference, do the following:
On the model's Test inference tab, choose one of the following options:
Select Enter the request body if you’d like to test the endpoint and receive a response through the Studio interface.
Select Copy example code (Python) if you’d like to copy an AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) example that you can use to invoke your endpoint from a local environment and receive a response programmatically.
For Model, select the model that you want to test on the endpoint.
If you chose the Studio interface testing method, then you can also choose your desired Content type for the response from the dropdown.
After configuring your request, then you can either choose Send request (to receive a response through the Studio interface) or Copy to copy the Python example.
If you receive a response through the Studio interface, it’ll look like the following screenshot.