Preprocessing and Postprocessing - Amazon SageMaker AI

Preprocessing and Postprocessing

You can use custom preprocessing and postprocessing Python scripts to transform the input to your model monitor or extend the code after a successful monitoring run. Upload these scripts to Amazon S3 and reference them when creating your model monitor.

The following example shows how you can customize monitoring schedules with preprocessing and postprocessing scripts. Replace user placeholder text with your own information.

import boto3, os from sagemaker import get_execution_role, Session from sagemaker.model_monitor import CronExpressionGenerator, DefaultModelMonitor # Upload pre and postprocessor scripts session = Session() bucket = boto3.Session().resource("s3").Bucket(session.default_bucket()) prefix = "demo-sagemaker-model-monitor" pre_processor_script = bucket.Object(os.path.join(prefix, "")).upload_file("") post_processor_script = bucket.Object(os.path.join(prefix, "")).upload_file("") # Get execution role role = get_execution_role() # can be an empty string # Instance type instance_type = "instance-type" # instance_type = "ml.m5.xlarge" # Example # Create a monitoring schedule with pre and postprocessing my_default_monitor = DefaultModelMonitor( role=role, instance_count=1, instance_type=instance_type, volume_size_in_gb=20, max_runtime_in_seconds=3600, ) s3_report_path = "s3://{}/{}".format(bucket, "reports") monitor_schedule_name = "monitor-schedule-name" endpoint_name = "endpoint-name" my_default_monitor.create_monitoring_schedule( post_analytics_processor_script=post_processor_script, record_preprocessor_script=pre_processor_script, monitor_schedule_name=monitor_schedule_name, # use endpoint_input for real-time endpoint endpoint_input=endpoint_name, # or use batch_transform_input for batch transform jobs # batch_transform_input=batch_transform_name, output_s3_uri=s3_report_path, statistics=my_default_monitor.baseline_statistics(), constraints=my_default_monitor.suggested_constraints(), schedule_cron_expression=CronExpressionGenerator.hourly(), enable_cloudwatch_metrics=True, )

Preprocessing Script

Use preprocessing scripts when you need to transform the inputs to your model monitor.

For example, suppose the output of your model is an array [1.0, 2.1]. The Amazon SageMaker Model Monitor container only works with tabular or flattened JSON structures, like {prediction0”: 1.0, “prediction1” : 2.1}. You could use a preprocessing script like the following to transform the array into the correct JSON structure.

def preprocess_handler(inference_record): input_data = output_data ="\n") data = output_data + "," + input_data return { str(i).zfill(20) : d for i, d in enumerate(data.split(",")) }

In another example, suppose your model has optional features and you use -1 to denote that the optional feature has a missing value. If you have a data quality monitor, you may want to remove the -1 from the input value array so that it isn't included in the monitor's metric calculations. You could use a script like the following to remove those values.

def preprocess_handler(inference_record): input_data = return {i : None if x == -1 else x for i, x in enumerate(input_data.split(","))}

Your preprocessing script receives an inference_record as its only input. The following code snippet shows an example of an inference_record.

{ "captureData": { "endpointInput": { "observedContentType": "text/csv", "mode": "INPUT", "data": "132,25,113.2,96,269.9,107,,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1", "encoding": "CSV" }, "endpointOutput": { "observedContentType": "text/csv; charset=utf-8", "mode": "OUTPUT", "data": "0.01076381653547287", "encoding": "CSV" } }, "eventMetadata": { "eventId": "feca1ab1-8025-47e3-8f6a-99e3fdd7b8d9", "inferenceTime": "2019-11-20T23:33:12Z" }, "eventVersion": "0" }

The following code snippet shows the full class structure for an inference_record.

KEY_EVENT_METADATA = "eventMetadata" KEY_EVENT_METADATA_EVENT_ID = "eventId" KEY_EVENT_METADATA_EVENT_TIME = "inferenceTime" KEY_EVENT_METADATA_CUSTOM_ATTR = "customAttributes" KEY_EVENTDATA_ENCODING = "encoding" KEY_EVENTDATA_DATA = "data" KEY_GROUND_TRUTH_DATA = "groundTruthData" KEY_EVENTDATA = "captureData" KEY_EVENTDATA_ENDPOINT_INPUT = "endpointInput" KEY_EVENTDATA_ENDPOINT_OUTPUT = "endpointOutput" KEY_EVENTDATA_BATCH_OUTPUT = "batchTransformOutput" KEY_EVENTDATA_OBSERVED_CONTENT_TYPE = "observedContentType" KEY_EVENTDATA_MODE = "mode" KEY_EVENT_VERSION = "eventVersion" class EventConfig: def __init__(self, endpoint, variant, start_time, end_time): self.endpoint = endpoint self.variant = variant self.start_time = start_time self.end_time = end_time class EventMetadata: def __init__(self, event_metadata_dict): self.event_id = event_metadata_dict.get(KEY_EVENT_METADATA_EVENT_ID, None) self.event_time = event_metadata_dict.get(KEY_EVENT_METADATA_EVENT_TIME, None) self.custom_attribute = event_metadata_dict.get(KEY_EVENT_METADATA_CUSTOM_ATTR, None) class EventData: def __init__(self, data_dict): self.encoding = data_dict.get(KEY_EVENTDATA_ENCODING, None) = data_dict.get(KEY_EVENTDATA_DATA, None) self.observedContentType = data_dict.get(KEY_EVENTDATA_OBSERVED_CONTENT_TYPE, None) self.mode = data_dict.get(KEY_EVENTDATA_MODE, None) def as_dict(self): ret = { KEY_EVENTDATA_ENCODING: self.encoding, KEY_EVENTDATA_DATA:, KEY_EVENTDATA_OBSERVED_CONTENT_TYPE: self.observedContentType, } return ret class CapturedData: def __init__(self, event_dict): self.event_metadata = None self.endpoint_input = None self.endpoint_output = None self.batch_transform_output = None self.ground_truth = None self.event_version = None self.event_dict = event_dict self._event_dict_postprocessed = False if KEY_EVENT_METADATA in event_dict: self.event_metadata = EventMetadata(event_dict[KEY_EVENT_METADATA]) if KEY_EVENTDATA in event_dict: if KEY_EVENTDATA_ENDPOINT_INPUT in event_dict[KEY_EVENTDATA]: self.endpoint_input = EventData(event_dict[KEY_EVENTDATA][KEY_EVENTDATA_ENDPOINT_INPUT]) if KEY_EVENTDATA_ENDPOINT_OUTPUT in event_dict[KEY_EVENTDATA]: self.endpoint_output = EventData(event_dict[KEY_EVENTDATA][KEY_EVENTDATA_ENDPOINT_OUTPUT]) if KEY_EVENTDATA_BATCH_OUTPUT in event_dict[KEY_EVENTDATA]: self.batch_transform_output = EventData(event_dict[KEY_EVENTDATA][KEY_EVENTDATA_BATCH_OUTPUT]) if KEY_GROUND_TRUTH_DATA in event_dict: self.ground_truth = EventData(event_dict[KEY_GROUND_TRUTH_DATA]) if KEY_EVENT_VERSION in event_dict: self.event_version = event_dict[KEY_EVENT_VERSION] def as_dict(self): if self._event_dict_postprocessed is True: return self.event_dict if KEY_EVENTDATA in self.event_dict: if KEY_EVENTDATA_ENDPOINT_INPUT in self.event_dict[KEY_EVENTDATA]: self.event_dict[KEY_EVENTDATA][KEY_EVENTDATA_ENDPOINT_INPUT] = self.endpoint_input.as_dict() if KEY_EVENTDATA_ENDPOINT_OUTPUT in self.event_dict[KEY_EVENTDATA]: self.event_dict[KEY_EVENTDATA][ KEY_EVENTDATA_ENDPOINT_OUTPUT ] = self.endpoint_output.as_dict() if KEY_EVENTDATA_BATCH_OUTPUT in self.event_dict[KEY_EVENTDATA]: self.event_dict[KEY_EVENTDATA][KEY_EVENTDATA_BATCH_OUTPUT] = self.batch_transform_output.as_dict() self._event_dict_postprocessed = True return self.event_dict def __str__(self): return str(self.as_dict())

Custom Sampling

You can also apply a custom sampling strategy in your preprocessing script. To do this, configure Model Monitor's first-party, pre-built container to ignore a percentage of the records according to your specified sampling rate. In the following example, the handler samples 10 percent of the records by returning the record in 10 percent of handler calls and an empty list otherwise.

import random def preprocess_handler(inference_record): # we set up a sampling rate of 0.1 if random.random() > 0.1: # return an empty list return [] input_data = return {i : None if x == -1 else x for i, x in enumerate(input_data.split(","))}

Custom logging for preprocessing script

If your preprocessing script returns an error, check the exception messages logged to CloudWatch to debug. You can access the logger on CloudWatch through the preprocess_handler interface. You can log any information you need from your script to CloudWatch. This can be useful when debug your preprocessing script. The following example shows how you can use the preprocess_handler interface to log to CloudWatch

def preprocess_handler(inference_record, logger):"I'm a processing record: {inference_record}") logger.debug(f"I'm debugging a processing record: {inference_record}") logger.warning(f"I'm processing record with missing value: {inference_record}") logger.error(f"I'm a processing record with bad value: {inference_record}") return inference_record

Postprocessing Script

Use a postprocessing script when you want to extend the code following a successful monitoring run.

def postprocess_handler(): print("Hello from post-proc script!")