Amazon SageMaker Model Monitor prebuilt container - Amazon SageMaker

Amazon SageMaker Model Monitor prebuilt container

SageMaker provides a built-in image called sagemaker-model-monitor-analyzer that provides you with a range of model monitoring capabilities, including constraint suggestion, statistics generation, constraint validation against a baseline, and emitting Amazon CloudWatch metrics. This image is based on Spark version 3.3.0 and is built with Deequ version 2.0.2.


You can not pull the built-in sagemaker-model-monitor-analyzer image directly. You can use the sagemaker-model-monitor-analyzer image when you submit a baseline processing or monitoring job using one of the AWS SDKs.

Use the SageMaker Python SDK (see image_uris.retrieve in the SageMaker Python SDK reference guide) to generate the ECR image URI for you, or specify the ECR image URI directly. The prebuilt image for SageMaker Model Monitor can be accessed as follows:


For example:

If you are in an AWS region in China, the prebuilt images for SageMaker Model Monitor can be accessed as follows:


For account IDs and AWS Region names, see Docker Registry Paths and Example Code.

To write your own analysis container, see the container contract described in Customize monitoring.