Create a Notebook Instance with an Associated Git Repository (CLI) - Amazon SageMaker

Create a Notebook Instance with an Associated Git Repository (CLI)

To create a notebook instance and associate Git repositories by using the AWS CLI, use the create-notebook-instance command as follows:

  • Specify the repository that you want to use as your default repository as the value of the default-code-repository argument. Amazon SageMaker clones this repository as a subdirectory in the Jupyter startup directory at /home/ec2-user/SageMaker. When you open your notebook instance, it opens in this repository. To use a repository that is stored as a resource in your SageMaker account, specify the name of the repository as the value of the default-code-repository argument. To use a repository that is not stored in your account, specify the URL of the repository as the value of the default-code-repository argument.

  • Specify up to three additional repositories as the value of the additional-code-repositories argument. SageMaker clones this repository as a subdirectory in the Jupyter startup directory at /home/ec2-user/SageMaker, and the repository is excluded from the default repository by adding it to the .git/info/exclude directory of the default repository. To use repositories that are stored as resources in your SageMaker account, specify the names of the repositories as the value of the additional-code-repositories argument. To use repositories that are not stored in your account, specify the URLs of the repositories as the value of the additional-code-repositories argument.

For example, the following command creates a notebook instance that has a repository named MyGitRepo, that is stored as a resource in your SageMaker account, as a default repository, and an additional repository that is hosted on GitHub:

aws sagemaker create-notebook-instance \ --notebook-instance-name "MyNotebookInstance" \ --instance-type "ml.t2.medium" \ --role-arn "arn:aws:iam::012345678901:role/service-role/AmazonSageMaker-ExecutionRole-20181129T121390" \ --default-code-repository "MyGitRepo" \ --additional-code-repositories ""

If you use an AWS CodeCommit repository that does not contain "SageMaker" in its name, add the codecommit:GitPull and codecommit:GitPush permissions to the role that you pass as the role-arn argument to the create-notebook-instance command. For information about how to add permissions to a role, see Adding and Removing IAM Policies in the AWS Identity and Access Management User Guide.