Control an Amazon EMR Spark Instance Using a Notebook
Custom IAM policies that allow Amazon SageMaker Studio or Amazon SageMaker Studio Classic to create Amazon SageMaker resources must also grant permissions to add tags to those resources. The permission to add tags to resources is required because Studio and Studio Classic automatically tag any resources they create. If an IAM policy allows Studio and Studio Classic to create resources but does not allow tagging, "AccessDenied" errors can occur when trying to create resources. For more information, see Provide permissions for tagging SageMaker AI resources.
AWS managed policies for Amazon SageMaker AI that give permissions to create SageMaker resources already include permissions to add tags while creating those resources.
You can use a notebook instance created with a custom lifecycle configuration script to access AWS services from your notebook. For example, you can create a script that lets you use your notebook with Sparkmagic to control other AWS resources, such as an Amazon EMR instance. You can then use the Amazon EMR instance to process your data instead of running the data analysis on your notebook. This allows you to create a smaller notebook instance because you won't use the instance to process data. This is helpful when you have large datasets that would require a large notebook instance to process the data.
The process requires three procedures using the Amazon SageMaker AI console:
Create the Amazon EMR Spark instance
Create the Jupyter Notebook
Test the notebook-to-Amazon EMR connection
To create an Amazon EMR Spark instance that can be controlled from a notebook using Sparkmagic
Open the Amazon EMR console at
. -
In the navigation pane, choose Create cluster.
On the Create Cluster - Quick Options page, under Software configuration, choose Spark: Spark 2.4.4 on Hadoop 2.8.5 YARN with Ganglia 3.7.2 and Zeppelin 0.8.2.
Set additional parameters on the page and then choose Create cluster.
On the Cluster page, choose the cluster name that you created. Note the Master Public DNS, the EMR master's security group, and the VPC name and subnet ID where the EMR cluster was created. You will use these values when you create a notebook.
To create a notebook that uses Sparkmagic to control an Amazon EMR Spark instance
Open the Amazon SageMaker AI console at
. -
In the navigation pane, under Notebook instances, choose Create notebook.
Enter the notebook instance name and choose the instance type.
Choose Additional configuration, then, under Lifecycle configuration, choose Create a new lifecycle configuration.
Add the following code to the lifecycle configuration script:
# OVERVIEW # This script connects an Amazon EMR cluster to an Amazon SageMaker notebook instance that uses Sparkmagic. # # Note that this script will fail if the Amazon EMR cluster's master node IP address is not reachable. # 1. Ensure that the EMR master node IP is resolvable from the notebook instance. # One way to accomplish this is to have the notebook instance and the Amazon EMR cluster in the same subnet. # 2. Ensure the EMR master node security group provides inbound access from the notebook instance security group. # Type - Protocol - Port - Source # Custom TCP - TCP - 8998 - $NOTEBOOK_SECURITY_GROUP # 3. Ensure the notebook instance has internet connectivity to fetch the SparkMagic example config. # # # PARAMETERS EMR_MASTER_IP=your.emr.master.ip cd /home/ec2-user/.sparkmagic echo "Fetching Sparkmagic example config from GitHub..." wget echo "Replacing EMR master node IP in Sparkmagic config..." sed -i -- "s/localhost/$EMR_MASTER_IP/g" example_config.json mv example_config.json config.json echo "Sending a sample request to Livy.." curl "$EMR_MASTER_IP:8998/sessions"
In the
section of the script, replaceyour.emr.master.ip
with the Master Public DNS name for the Amazon EMR instance. -
Choose Create configuration.
On the Create notebook page, choose Network - optional.
Choose the VPC and subnet where the Amazon EMR instance is located.
Choose the security group used by the Amazon EMR master node.
Choose Create notebook instance.
While the notebook instance is being created, the status is Pending. After the instance has been created and the lifecycle configuration script has successfully run, the status is InService.
If the notebook instance can't connect to the Amazon EMR instance, SageMaker AI can't create the notebook instance. The connection can fail if the Amazon EMR instance and notebook are not in the same VPC and subnet, if the Amazon EMR master security group is not used by the notebook, or if the Master Public DNS name in the script is incorrect.
To test the connection between the Amazon EMR instance and the notebook
When the status of the notebook is InService, choose Open Jupyter to open the notebook.
Choose New, then choose Sparkmagic (PySpark).
In the code cell, enter
and then run the cell.The output should be similar to the following
Current session configs: {'driverMemory': '1000M', 'executorCores': 2, 'kind': 'pyspark'} No active sessions.