Configure storage for SageMaker HyperPod clusters orchestrated by Amazon EKS - Amazon SageMaker AI

Configure storage for SageMaker HyperPod clusters orchestrated by Amazon EKS

Cluster admin needs to configure storage for data scientist users to manage input and output data and storing checkpoints during training on SageMaker HyperPod clusters.

Handling large datasets (input/output data)

  • Data access and management: Data scientists often work with large datasets that are required for training machine learning models. Specifying storage parameters in the job submission allows them to define where these datasets are located (e.g., Amazon S3 buckets, persistent volumes in Kubernetes) and how they are accessed during the job execution.

  • Performance optimization: The efficiency of accessing input data can significantly impact the performance of the training job. By optimizing storage parameters, data scientists can ensure that data is read and written efficiently, reducing I/O bottlenecks.

Storing checkpoints

  • Checkpointing in training: During long-running training jobs, it’s common practice to save checkpoints—intermediate states of the model. This allows data scientists to resume training from a specific point in case of a failure, rather than starting from scratch.

  • Data recovery and experimentation: By specifying the storage location for checkpoints, data scientists can ensure that these checkpoints are securely stored, potentially in a distributed storage system that offers redundancy and high availability. This is crucial for recovering from interruptions and for experimenting with different training strategies.


For a hands-on experience and guidance on how to set up storage for SageMaker HyperPod cluster orchestrated with Amazon EKS, see the following sections in the Amazon EKS Support in SageMaker HyperPod workshop.