Label verification and adjustment data in the output manifest - Amazon SageMaker AI

Label verification and adjustment data in the output manifest

Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth writes label verification data to the output manifest within the metadata for the label. It adds two properties to the metadata:

  • A type property, with a value of "groundtruth/label-verification.

  • A worker-feedback property, with an array of comment values. This property is added when the worker enters comments. If there are no comments, the field doesn't appear.

The following example output manifest shows how label verification data appears:

{ "source-ref":"S3 bucket location", "verify-bounding-box":"1", "verify-bounding-box-metadata": { "class-name": "bad", "confidence": 0.93, "type": "groundtruth/label-verification", "job-name": "verify-bounding-boxes", "human-annotated": "yes", "creation-date": "2018-10-18T22:18:13.527256", "worker-feedback": [ {"comment": "The bounding box on the bird is too wide on the right side."}, {"comment": "The bird on the upper right is not labeled."} ] } }

The worker output of adjustment tasks resembles the worker output of the original task, except that it contains the adjusted values and an adjustment-status property with the value of adjusted or unadjusted to indicate whether an adjustment was made.

For more examples of the output of different tasks, see Labeling job output data.