crowd-text-area - Amazon SageMaker


A field for text input.

See an interactive example of an HTML template that uses this Crowd HTML Element in CodePen.

The following is an example of a Liquid template designed to transcribe audio clips that uses the <crowd-text-area> element. Copy the following code and save it in a file with the extension .html. Open the file in any browser to preview and interact with this template.

<script src=""></script> <crowd-form> <audio controls> <source src="{{ task.input.taskObject | grant_read_access }}" type="audio/mpeg"> Your browser does not support the audio element. </audio> <h3>Instructions</h3> <p>Transcribe the audio</p> <p>Ignore "umms", "hmms", "uhs" and other non-textual phrases</p> <crowd-text-area name="transcription" rows="4"></crowd-text-area> </crowd-form>


The following attributes are supported by this element.


A regular expression that is used with the auto-validate attribute to ignore non-matching characters as the worker types.


A Boolean switch that, if present, puts the cursor in this element on-load so that users can immediately begin typing without having to click inside the element.


A Boolean switch that, if present, turns on input validation. The behavior of the validator can be modified by the error-message and allowed-pattern attributes.


A Boolean switch that, if present, puts a small text field beneath the lower-right corner of the element, displaying the number of characters inside the element.


A Boolean switch that, if present, displays the input area as disabled.


The text to be displayed below the input field, on the left side, if validation fails.


A string that is displayed inside a text field.

This text shrinks and rises up above a text field when the worker starts typing in the field or when the value attribute is set.


An integer that specifies the maximum number of characters allowed by the element. Characters typed or pasted beyond the maximum are ignored.


An integer that specifies the maximum number of rows of text that are allowed within a crowd-text-area. Normally the element expands to accommodate new rows. If this is set, after the number of rows exceeds it, content scrolls upward out of view and a scrollbar control appears.


A string used to represent the element's data in the output.


A string presented to the user as placeholder text. It disappears after the user puts something in the input area.


An integer that specifies the height of the element in rows of text.


A preset that becomes the default if the worker does not provide input. The preset appears in a text field.

Element Hierarchy

This element has the following parent and child elements.

  • Parent elements: crowd-form

  • Child elements: none


This element outputs the name as a property name and the element's text contents as the value. Carriage returns in the text are represented as \n.

Example Sample output for this element
[ { "textInput1": "This is the text; the text that\nmakes the crowd go wild." } ]

See Also

For more information, see the following.