Use NVMe stores with Amazon SageMaker Studio - Amazon SageMaker

Use NVMe stores with Amazon SageMaker Studio

Amazon SageMaker Studio applications and their associated notebooks run on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances. Some of the Amazon EC2 instance types, such as the ml.m5d instance family, offer non-volatile memory express (NVMe) solid state drives (SSD) instance stores.

NVMe instance stores are local ephemeral disk stores that are physically connected to an instance for fast temporary storage. Studio applications support NVMe instance stores for supported instance types. For more information about instance types and their associated NVMe store volumes, see the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Instance Type Details.

This following topic provides information about accessing and using NVMe instance stores, as well as considerations when using NVMe instance stores with Studio.


The following considerations apply when using NVMe instance stores with Studio.

  • An NVMe instance store is temporary storage. The data stored on the NVMe store is deleted when the instance is terminated, stopped, or hibernated. When using NVMe stores with Studio applications, the data on the NVMe instance store is lost whenever the application is deleted, restarted, or patched. We recommend that you back up valuable data to persistent storage solutions, such as Amazon Elastic Block Store, Amazon Elastic File System, or Amazon Simple Storage Service.

  • Studio patches instances periodically to install new security updates. When an instance is patched, the instance is restarted. This restart results in the deletion of data stored in the NVMe instance store. We recommend that you frequently back up necessary data from the NVMe instance store to persistent storage solutions, such as Amazon Elastic Block Store, Amazon Elastic File System, or Amazon Simple Storage Service.

  • The following Studio applications support using NVMe storage:

    • JupyterLab

    • Code Editor, based on Code-OSS, Visual Studio Code - Open Source

    • KernelGateway

Access NVMe instance stores

When you select an instance type with attached NVMe instance stores to host a Studio application, the NVMe instance store directory is mounted to the application container at the following location:


If an instance has more than 1 NVMe instance store attached to it, Studio creates a striped logical volume that spans all of the local disks attached. Studio then mounts this striped logical volume to the /mnt/sagemaker-nvme directory. As a result, the directory storage size is the sum of all NVMe instance store volume sizes attached to the instance.

If the /mnt/sagemaker-nvme directory does not exist, verify that the instance type hosting your application has an attached NVMe instance store volume.