Invoke a remote function - Amazon SageMaker AI

Invoke a remote function

To invoke a function inside the @remote decorator, use either of the following methods:

If you use the @remote decorator method to invoke a function, the training job will wait for the function to complete before starting a new task. However, if you use the RemoteExecutor API, you can run more than one job in parallel. The following sections show both ways of invoking a function.

Use an @remote decorator to invoke a function

You can use the @remote decorator to annotate a function. SageMaker AI will transform the code inside the decorator into a SageMaker training job. The training job will then invoke the function inside the decorator and wait for the job to complete. The following code example shows how to import the required libraries, start a SageMaker AI instance, and annotate a matrix multiplication with the @remote decorator.

from sagemaker.remote_function import remote import numpy as np @remote(instance_type="ml.m5.large") def matrix_multiply(a, b): return np.matmul(a, b) a = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]]) b = np.array([1, 2]) assert (matrix_multiply(a, b) == np.array([1,2])).all()

The decorator is defined as follows.

def remote( *, **kwarg): ...

When you invoke a decorated function, SageMaker Python SDK loads any exceptions raised by an error into local memory. In the following code example, the first call to the divide function completes successfully and the result is loaded into local memory. In the second call to the divide function, the code returns an error and this error is loaded into local memory.

from sagemaker.remote_function import remote import pytest @remote() def divide(a, b): return a/b # the underlying job is completed successfully # and the function return is loaded assert divide(10, 5) == 2 # the underlying job fails with "AlgorithmError" # and the function exception is loaded into local memory with pytest.raises(ZeroDivisionError): divide(10, 0)

The decorated function is run as a remote job. If the thread is interrupted, the underlying job will not be stopped.

How to change the value of a local variable

The decorator function is run on a remote machine. Changing a non-local variable or input arguments inside a decorated function will not change the local value.

In the following code example, a list and a dict are appended inside the decorator function. This does not change when the decorator function is invoked.

a = [] @remote def func(): a.append(1) # when func is invoked, a in the local memory is not modified func() func() # a stays as [] a = {} @remote def func(a): # append new values to the input dictionary a["key-2"] = "value-2" a = {"key": "value"} func(a) # a stays as {"key": "value"}

To change the value of a local variable declared inside of a decorator function, return the variable from the function. The following code example shows that the value of a local variable is changed when it is returned from the function.

a = {"key-1": "value-1"} @remote def func(a): a["key-2"] = "value-2" return a a = func(a) -> {"key-1": "value-1", "key-2": "value-2"}

Data serialization and deserialization

When you invoke a remote function, SageMaker AI automatically serializes your function arguments during the input and output stages. Function arguments and returns are serialized using cloudpickle. SageMaker AI supports serializing the following Python objects and functions.

  • Built-in Python objects including dicts, lists, floats, ints, strings, boolean values and tuples

  • Numpy arrays

  • Pandas Dataframes

  • Scikit-learn datasets and estimators

  • PyTorch models

  • TensorFlow models

  • The Booster class for XGBoost

The following can be used with some limitations.

  • Dask DataFrames

  • The XGBoost Dmatrix class

  • TensorFlow datasets and subclasses

  • PyTorch models

The following section contains best practices for using the previous Python classes with some limitations in your remote function, information about where SageMaker AI stores your serialized data and how to manage access to it.

Best practices for Python classes with limited support for remote data serialization

You can use the Python classes listed in this section with limitations. The next sections discuss best practices for how to use the following Python classes.

  • Dask DataFrames

  • The XGBoost DMatric class

  • TensorFlow datasets and subclasses

  • PyTorch models

Dask is an open-source library used for parallel computing in Python. This section shows the following.

  • How to pass a Dask DataFrame into your remote function

  • How to convert summary statistics from a Dask DataFrame into a Pandas DataFrame

How to pass a Dask DataFrame into your remote function

Dask DataFrames are often used to process large datasets because they can hold datasets that require more memory than is available. This is because a Dask DataFrame does not load your local data into memory. If you pass a Dask DataFrame as a function argument to your remote function, Dask may pass a reference to the data in your local disk or cloud storage, instead of the data itself. The following code shows an example of passing a Dask DataFrame inside your remote function that will operate on an empty DataFrame.

#Do not pass a Dask DataFrame to your remote function as follows def clean(df: dask.DataFrame ): cleaned = df[] \ ...

Dask will load the data from the Dask DataFrame into memory only when you use the DataFrame . If you want to use a Dask DataFrame inside a remote function, provide the path to the data . Then Dask will read the dataset directly from the data path that you specify when the code runs.

The following code example shows how to use a Dask DataFrame inside the remote function clean. In the code example, raw_data_path is passed to clean instead of the Dask DataFrame. When the code runs, the dataset is read directly from the location of an Amazon S3 bucket specified in raw_data_path. Then the persist function keeps the dataset in memory to facilitate the subsequent random_split function and written back to the output data path in an S3 bucket using Dask DataFrame API functions.

import dask.dataframe as dd @remote( instance_type='ml.m5.24xlarge', volume_size=300, keep_alive_period_in_seconds=600) #pass the data path to your remote function rather than the Dask DataFrame itself def clean(raw_data_path: str, output_data_path: str: split_ratio: list[float]): df = dd.read_parquet(raw_data_path) #pass the path to your DataFrame cleaned = df[(df.column_a >= 1) & (df.column_a < 5)]\ .drop(['column_b', 'column_c'], axis=1)\ .persist() #keep the data in memory to facilitate the following random_split operation train_df, test_df = cleaned.random_split(split_ratio, random_state=10) train_df.to_parquet(os.path.join(output_data_path, 'train') test_df.to_parquet(os.path.join(output_data_path, 'test')) clean("s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/raw/", "s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/cleaned/", split_ratio=[0.7, 0.3])
How to convert summary statistics from a Dask DataFrame into a Pandas DataFrame

Summary statistics from a Dask DataFrame can be converted into a Pandas DataFrame by invoking the compute method as shown in the following example code. In the example, the S3 bucket contains a large Dask DataFrame that cannot fit into memory or into a Pandas dataframe. In the following example, a remote function scans the data set and returns a Dask DataFrame containing the output statistics from describe to a Pandas DataFrame.

executor = RemoteExecutor( instance_type='ml.m5.24xlarge', volume_size=300, keep_alive_period_in_seconds=600) future = executor.submit(lambda: dd.read_parquet("s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/raw/").describe().compute()) future.result()

DMatrix is an internal data structure used by XGBoost to load data. A DMatrix object can’t be pickled in order to move easily between compute sessions. Directly passing DMatrix instances will fail with a SerializationError.

How to pass a data object to your remote function and train with XGBoost

To convert a Pandas DataFrame into a DMatrix instance and use it for training in your remote function, pass it directly to the remote function as shown in the following code example.

import xgboost as xgb @remote def train(df, params): #Convert a pandas dataframe into a DMatrix DataFrame and use it for training dtrain = DMatrix(df) return xgb.train(dtrain, params)

TensorFlow datasets and subclasses are internal objects used by TensorFlow to load data during training. TensorFlow datasets and subclasses can’t be pickled in order to move easily between compute sessions. Directly passing Tensorflow datasets or subclasses will fail with a SerializationError. Use the Tensorflow I/O APIs to load data from the storage, as shown in the following code example.

import tensorflow as tf import tensorflow_io as tfio @remote def train(data_path: str, params): dataset ="{data_path}/*.txt")) ... train("s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/data", {})

PyTorch models are serializable and can be passed between your local environment and remote function. If your local environment and remote environment have different device types, such as (GPUs and CPUs), you cannot return a trained model to your local environment. For example, if the following code is developed in a local environment without GPUs but run in an instance with GPUs, returning the trained model directly will lead to a DeserializationError.

# Do not return a model trained on GPUs to a CPU-only environment as follows @remote(instance_type='ml.g4dn.xlarge') def train(...): if torch.cuda.is_available(): device = torch.device("cuda") else: device = torch.device("cpu") # a device without GPU capabilities model = Net().to(device) # train the model ... return model model = train(...) #returns a DeserializationError if run on a device with GPU

To return a model trained in a GPU environment to one that contains only CPU capabilities, use the PyTorch model I/O APIs directly as shown in the code example below.

import s3fs model_path = "s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/folder/" @remote(instance_type='ml.g4dn.xlarge') def train(...): if torch.cuda.is_available(): device = torch.device("cuda") else: device = torch.device("cpu") model = Net().to(device) # train the model ... fs = s3fs.FileSystem() with, ''), 'wb') as file:, file) #this writes the model in a device-agnostic way (CPU vs GPU) train(...) #use the model to train on either CPUs or GPUs model = Net() fs = s3fs.FileSystem()with, ''), 'rb') as file: model.load_state_dict(torch.load(file, map_location=torch.device('cpu')))

Where SageMaker AI stores your serialized data

When you invoke a remote function, SageMaker AI automatically serializes your function arguments and return values during the input and output stages. This serialized data is stored under a root directory in your S3 bucket. You specify the root directory, <s3_root_uri>, in a configuration file. The parameter job_name is automatically generated for you.

Under the root directory, SageMaker AI creates a <job_name> folder, which holds your current work directory, serialized function, the arguments for your serialized function, results and any exceptions that arose from invoking the serialized function.

Under <job_name>, the directory workdir contains a zipped archive of your current working directory. The zipped archive includes any Python files in your working directory and the requirements.txt file, which specifies any dependencies needed to run your remote function.

The following is an example of the folder structure under an S3 bucket that you specify in your configuration file.

<s3_root_uri>/ # specified by s3_root_uri or S3RootUri <job_name>/ #automatically generated for you workdir/ # archive of the current working directory (workdir) function/ # serialized function arguments/ # serialized function arguments results/ # returned output from the serialized function including the model exception/ # any exceptions from invoking the serialized function

The root directory that you specify in your S3 bucket is not meant for long term storage. The serialized data are tightly tied to the Python version and machine learning (ML) framework version that were used during serialization. If you upgrade the Python version or ML framework, you may not be able to use your serialized data. Instead, do the following.

  • Store your model and model artifacts in a format that is agnostic to your Python version and ML framework.

  • If you upgrade your Python or ML framework, access your model results from your long-term storage.


To delete your serialized data after a specified amount of time, set a lifetime configuration on your S3 bucket.


Files that are serialized with the Python pickle module can be less portable than other data formats including CSV, Parquet and JSON. Be wary of loading pickled files from unknown sources.

For more information about what to include in a configuration file for a remote function, see Configuration File.

Access to your serialized data

Administrators can provide settings for your serialized data, including its location and any encryption settings in a configuration file. By default, the serialized data are encrypted with an AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) Key. Administrators can also restrict access to the root directory that you specify in your configuration file with a bucket policy. The configuration file can be shared and used across projects and jobs. For more information, see Configuration File.

Use the RemoteExecutor API to invoke a function

You can use the RemoteExecutor API to invoke a function. SageMaker AI Python SDK will transform the code inside the RemoteExecutor call into a SageMaker AI training job. The training job will then invoke the function as an asynchronous operation and return a future. If you use the RemoteExecutor API, you can run more than one training job in parallel. For more information about futures in Python, see Futures.

The following code example shows how to import the required libraries, define a function, start a SageMaker AI instance, and use the API to submit a request to run 2 jobs in parallel.

from sagemaker.remote_function import RemoteExecutor def matrix_multiply(a, b): return np.matmul(a, b) a = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]]) b = np.array([1, 2]) with RemoteExecutor(max_parallel_job=2, instance_type="ml.m5.large") as e: future = e.submit(matrix_multiply, a, b) assert (future.result() == np.array([1,2])).all()

The RemoteExecutor class is an implementation of the concurrent.futures.Executor library.

The following code example shows how to define a function and call it using the RemoteExecutorAPI. In this example, the RemoteExecutor will submit 4 jobs in total, but only 2 in parallel. The last two jobs will reuse the clusters with minimal overhead.

from sagemaker.remote_function.client import RemoteExecutor def divide(a, b): return a/b with RemoteExecutor(max_parallel_job=2, keep_alive_period_in_seconds=60) as e: futures = [e.submit(divide, a, 2) for a in [3, 5, 7, 9]] for future in futures: print(future.result())

The max_parallel_job parameter only serves as a rate limiting mechanism without optimizing compute resource allocation. In the previous code example, RemoteExecutor doesn’t reserve compute resources for the two parallel jobs before any jobs are submitted. For more information about max_parallel_job or other parameters for the @remote decorator, see Remote function classes and methods specification.

Future class for the RemoteExecutor API

A future class is a public class that represents the return function from the training job when it is invoked asynchronously. The future class implements the concurrent.futures.Future class. This class can be used to do operations on the underlying job and load data into memory.