View notebook job definitions - Amazon SageMaker AI

View notebook job definitions


If you scheduled your notebook job with the SageMaker Python SDK, skip this section. Only notebook jobs created in Studio or local JupyterLab environments create job definitions. Therefore, if you created your notebook job with the SageMaker Python SDK, you won’t see job definitions in the Notebook Jobs dashboard. You can, however, view your notebook jobs as described in View notebook jobs.

When you create a job definition, you create a schedule for a job. The Notebook Job Definitions tab lists these schedules, as well as information about specific notebook job definitions. For example, you might create a job definition that runs a specific notebook every minute. Once this job definition is active, you see a new job every minute in the Notebook Jobs tab. The following page gives information about the Notebook Job Definitions tab, as well as how to view a notebook job definition.

The Notebook Job Definitions tab displays a dashboard with all your job definitions and includes the input notebook, the creation time, the schedule, and the status for each job definition. The value in the Status column is one of the following values:

  • Paused: You paused the job definition. Studio does not initiate any jobs until you resume the definition.

  • Active: The schedule is on and Studio can run the notebook according to the schedule you specified.

In addition, the Actions column provides shortcuts to help you perform the following tasks directly in the interface:

  • Pause: Pauses the job definition. Studio won’t create any jobs until you resume the definition.

  • Delete: Removes the job definition from the Notebook Job Definitions tab.

  • Resume: Continues a paused job definition so that it can start jobs.

If you created a job definition but it doesn’t initiate jobs, see Job definition doesn’t create jobs in the Troubleshooting guide.

View a single job definition

If you select a job definition name in the Notebook Job Definitions tab, you see the Job Definition page where you can view specific details for a job definition. Use this page to confirm the settings you specified when you created the job definition. If you don’t see any jobs created from your job definition, see Job definition doesn’t create jobs in the Troubleshooting guide.

This page also contains a section listing the jobs that run from this job definition. Viewing your jobs in the Job Definition page may be a more productive way to help you organize your jobs instead of viewing jobs in the Notebook Jobs tab, which combines all jobs from all your job definitions.

In addition, this page provides shortcuts for the following actions:

  • Pause/Resume: Pause your job definition, or resume a paused definition. Note that if a job is currently running for this definition, Studio does not stop it.

  • Run: Run a single on-demand job from this job definition. This option also lets you specify different input parameters to your notebook before starting the job.

  • Edit Job Definition: Change the schedule of your job definition. You can select a different time interval, or you can opt for a custom schedule using cron syntax.

  • Delete Job Definition: Remove the job definition from the Notebook Job Definitions tab. Note that if a job is currently running for this definition, Studio does not stop it.